Lord, Bless Me
Day 2
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Did you know that you walk into every situation blessed? Take a moment and consider that truth. You are blessed.
Today, we are remixing a routine prayer favorite: “Lord, Bless Me.” As we inject fresh words and accurate theology into the everyday prayers we pray, we discover what we gain in our relationship with Jesus, and who we are in light of Him.
Finish the sentence: "Lord bless _____”
Bless us, bless this gathering, bless this meal — the combinations are endless.
When we turn to the scriptures, we come to understand that we have already come under God's extraordinary blessing. Ephesians 1:3 refocuses us from "I don't" to "I do," "I need" to "I have, "" I'm not" to "I am.” Matthew 5: 3-11 starts every line with blessed. Exodus 33:12-17 is where Moses asks how he will know he has God's favor, and God says He will give him His Presence. Moses is so certain of the Lord's blessing and knows he needs it so bad that he tells the Lord, if you're blessing doesn't go there, then we don't go there. God promised His Presence.
Too often, we will move first and ask God to bless it second. What would shift if you realized that you were moving in blessing all along?
So, let’s remix this prayer.
Remix: Thank you, Father, that I am blessed. Let me, in this moment, bless Your Name.
What's Next?
Are you walking through life knowing that you are already blessed and don't have to ask God for a blessing? Ephesians 1:3 says, "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ." Jesus has already given us every spiritual blessing. We walk into every moment knowing that He has blessed us. We are in step with Him and moving with Him constantly
- We can ask Him to move in us, but we don't have to ask Him to bless us. How are those two things different?
Scripture References