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How To Slow Down A Hurried Life
We're faced with the daily temptation to go faster, do more, and fill our calendars. But what if we weren't meant to rush the process? What if God simply wants us to slow down?
Hannah Brencher
Hannah Brencher
|4 Mins
How To Slow Down A Hurried Life
Deception, Distortion, and the Truth About Jesus
In a world constantly trying to lead us astray, we can take wisdom from 1 John to be encouraged to keep moving forward.
Ben Stuart
Ben Stuart
| Feb 16
Deception, Distortion, and the Truth About Jesus
Hope in the Dark
There will be darkness in this life, but God wants you to live, and we praise Him as a result.
Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio
| Feb 16
Hope in the Dark
How William Seymour Sparked A Global Revival For Christ
Scripture shows us time and time again how God uses the unlikely to bring Him glory, and we see the same is true in the story of William Seymour—the conduit for The Azusa Street Revival that lasted almost a decade.
Josh Crawford
Josh Crawford
|4 Mins
How William Seymour Sparked A Global Revival For Christ
The Invitation to Look to the God of Peace
God knew that we would drift; that we would get distracted by other things, people, or gods. But in our temptation to drift, He longingly calls us to seek Him above all else.
Hannah Brencher
Hannah Brencher
|5 Mins
The Invitation to Look to the God of Peace
The Lasting Legacy Of Richard Allen
Richard Allen was a faithful leader in the African Methodist Church, and his story inspires generations of the Black church to follow to seek God even in the face of oppression.
Mike Saathoff
Mike Saathoff
|4 Mins
The Lasting Legacy Of Richard Allen
Don’t Love the Lie
Ben Stuart dives into 1 John 2:15-17, expanding on God’s plan for us versus the world’s. This passage helps us identify the lies we are often told by culture and how to replace them with truth.
Ben Stuart
Ben Stuart
| Feb 9
Don’t Love the Lie
Distracted But Not Denied
Dan Watson teaches that God just wants our undivided devotion and affection above all else.
Dan Watson
Dan Watson
| Feb 9
Distracted But Not Denied
Don’t Miss The ONE Thing
Even good-natured distractions have the power to keep us from the one thing that matters—devotion to Christ.
Grant Partrick
Grant Partrick
| Feb 9
Don’t Miss The ONE Thing
Overwhelmed or Overflowing?
In the busyness of our schedules and our day-to-day lives, there is a very real fight for our attention and affection. In this talk, we're reminded of the one thing that deserves to be priority—Jesus.
Brad Jones
Brad Jones
| Feb 9
Overwhelmed or Overflowing?
The Heart of Communication: Love as Our Greatest Witness
Healthy communication has the power to unify and be a witness, but we cannot have it without the help of Jesus.
Paul David Tripp
Paul David Tripp
|5 Mins
The Heart of Communication: Love as Our Greatest Witness
How To Wait Without Losing Hope
If you're waiting for something, are you more likely to wait patiently or freak out in the process? If you're the latter, this article may be for you.
Hannah Brencher
Hannah Brencher
|4 Mins
How To Wait Without Losing Hope