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Passion 2025
Relive the powerful messages from Passion 2025 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Setting Boundaries as a Christian
Boundaries are meant for protection, and not harm. Read about how we can set healthy, God-honoring boundaries as followers of Christ.
From Mud to Miracles: Gaining a New Perspective on Life
Many of the circumstances we're faced with are out of our control, but we get the choice to see how God is working in and through those circumstances in a new light.
You Should Get Your Hopes Up
The years to come will have uncertainty, yet we can stand firm in the promise of Hebrews 6:19—that there is an anchor for our souls, Jesus, who is firm and secure.
The One Thing
We are told in scripture that though the years ahead will have uncertainty, we can have an unshakable hope, as an anchor for our souls, firm and secure (Hebrews 6:9).
The Thread of Glory
Louie Giglio explores Scripture and outer space to uncover the purpose of our existence and God's grand design.
Faithful and Strong
Dr. Crawford Loritts shares seven sources to sustain your love for Christ, even when God's presence feels distant.
Don’t Let Shame Steal Your Story
Discover how Jesus welcomes us back after failure as Ben Stuart examines Peter’s journey of redemption.
Why Your Need for God is More Urgent Than Ever
Do you know your need for God? Your independence could be the thing hindering you from intimacy with Him.
In Defense of Hope
Jackie Hill Perry offers a powerful reminder that lasting hope is found in the resurrection, not life’s circumstances.
Finders Weepers, Losers Keepers
Discover the endless riches of God as Levi Lusko unpacks a short parable and challenges us to commit fully.
Have You Heard of The Room Where It Happened?
Earl McClellan urges us to embrace the Holy Spirit, living out God’s purpose and uniting believers for His glory.