Lord, Watch Over and Protect Me
Day 4
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Today unpacks a prayer we say all the time. This is the most difficult one to wrap our heads around. No one is going to pray for hardship and difficulty, but we tend to stop at "Lord, watch over and protect us."
We need to refocus on what our mission is and why this particular prayer doesn't always fit into it.
"Watch over and protect me."
We don't want to pray for hardship or difficulty, and this isn't to say that we should pray for the Lord not to watch over and protect us. It's just a shift to understanding that we have a Heavenly Father who always watches over us, and His angels are working on our behalf. He knows what we need before we do.
What is your mission? If your mission is safety and security, this will keep being your prayer. However, if it is to advance the Gospel to the ends of the earth, this probably isn't going to be your primary prayer. Remember Acts 4:29-30. The prayer was "consider their threats and enable your servants." at no point did they pray for God to watch over and protect them. Instead, they asked God to stretch out His hand and move in power. They asked for God's power to be used through them.
Remix: Lord, we commit our way to you. empower and use us.
What's Next?
If we are truly focused on our mission of sharing the gospel, we do not need to pray for God to watch over and protect us. We know that He is watching over us and is sending angels to work on our behalf. Read Acts 4:29-30. We want to place "watch over and protect us" between verses 29 and 30, but it's not there. What did they ask for instead in verse 30? What was the result in Acts 4:31? All through Acts, you see the ones proclaiming Jesus and never once asking for protection. Today, ask the Lord to give you the courage to boldly stay on the mission of letting others know of what Jesus has done for them. Trust that God knows what you need and is already watching over you.
Scripture References