Impossible to lose
Day 7
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Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel, for which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound! Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.
2 Timothy 2:8-10
Why is Paul telling his young mentee Timothy to remember Jesus? Does Paul think that Timothy has forgotten him? No, Paul is calling Timothy to remember that Jesus is the greatest cause we could ever have, so Timothy needs to lean in during these trying times instead of giving in to the natural temptation to shrink back.
So far, Paul has compared life with Christ to being a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer. He gave examples of those who remained faithful and those who had not. He has used verbs like fan into flame, set aside timidity, join in suffering, be strengthened, and endure hardship. Now, he gives him our greatest example, Jesus Christ; keep your eyes fixed on Him so you can run with endurance and not lose heart. We have a King who has gone before us, and He is not asking us to do anything He didn't do first.
What are we remembering about Jesus?
Jesus is risen from the dead. In 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, 14, Paul said it's of first importance. If Jesus didn't rise from the dead, then what's the point? What we are doing is in vain. The death of Jesus accomplished our salvation. He took our sin and buried it. When He rose, He gave us a promise of eternal life with God. Therefore, the resurrection is everything to us because King Jesus overcame even death.
Jesus is the descendant of David. Old Testament prophecies said a child of David would come and establish God's Kingdom. It proved Jesus was truly a physical human who lived, died, and was resurrected. Timothy would have also remembered that David was a conquering king, and while that is impressive, Jesus is greater still. Jesus conquered death so we can have the courage to step out and push back on our sins, fears, and doubts.
Paul’s letter Timothy was written somewhere between 60-90 A.D. and it’s important for us to remember that it was written in a Roman jail cell. Paul was not only a prisoner and in chains, but he knew that his life was nearing its end, and yet he had the faith to tell Timothy that while he was bound, the Word of God never is, and the mission of God always marches on.
How does Paul tell Timothy to stay motivated?
He tells him to keep his eyes on Jesus. The Savior won. Therefore, we win.
The Church cannot lose. God has ordained that people come to know Him, so as we teach, lead Bible Studies, disciple, and reach the lost, it's all accomplishing His purposes. Endure whatever comes your way be it discourageent, disillusionment, penalties, or pains because at the end of it all the King has won, and so have we.
What's next?
Think about the things going on in your life or in the world today, and be honest about what is discouraging you.
- What headwind are you facing? Do you feel defeated, like you're losing hope, or like it would be easier to shrink back?
- What would you do for the Kingdom of God if you could snap your fingers and your fears were taken away from you? How does your worry cause you to pause when it comes to speaking up in support of or acting on behalf of the Church?
- Hand over your discouragements, fears, and doubts to Jesus and rest again in His strength. Remind yourself that Jesus has already won. Therefore, you have already won. It's impossible to lose.
Scripture References