You Can't Manipulate an Anchor
Day 13
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For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith. But they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men.
2 Timothy 3:6-9
In Timothy’s day, as in our own, there were men and women who displayed an external form of godliness but denied its true power. We read this yesterday as Paul warned Timothy and advised him to avoid such people. The men in today’s slightly strange reading embody this performative and deceitful behavior.
Paul isn't taking a shot at women by calling them weak. He's calling out both men and women who are being deceived. In 1 Timothy, Paul talked about false teachers who were manipulating women into erroneous spiritual ideas while their husbands were away. He's not saying that women are more gullible. He's saying these men were so deceitful that they were even willing to manipulate people in their own homes, and they were able to do so because of the people’s passive behavior towards their own sin.
This happens today as well. People get wrapped up in all sorts of "spiritual" things, but it never helps them. They get to that point because they have let sin into their lives or are chasing passions. Rather than getting help or accountability, they look for a "spiritual" cure because they don't feel good about their own integrity. Paul warns that people who are at the greatest risk of compromised teaching are those who have compromised morality.
So, who were Jannes and Jambres, and why is Paul bringing them up? Remember back to the story of Moses, and the magicians in Pharo’s court. Those were Jannes and Jambres, and they opposed Moses, the God who sent him. In effect, they opposed the truth. Paul encourages Timothy not to grow discouraged. People like that never last long. They don't endure because they can't keep up with God. It's hard to fake spirituality over time, but in Christ, believers are sanctified over time. The true believer lives by Scripture and the Spirit of God.
How do we ensure that we stay in the current of Godliness and do not drift away from His truth? We grip the Word of God, find the community of God, live by the power of the Spirit of God, and thereby are formed into His image. Today’s takeaway is simple: stay anchored to the truth and ensure that spirituality is never separated from Scripture.
What's next?
Take the next few minutes and use the questions below to discuss or confess where you may have allowed what you could consider small or large sins to take up residence in your life. Remember that Paul has told us that sin's nature is to consume and destroy, so the best solution is to bring what has festered in darkness into the light and be done with it.
- In your life, where are you entertaining sin? Do you have little pet sins that you think you can control and coddle without the knowledge that they can take you out?
- How are those besetting sins messing with your understanding of who God is in your life?
- What does it look like to be deeply anchored in the truth?
- Have you pulled up the anchor and started to drift off course?
Scripture References