How to Live a Meaningful Life
Day 5
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Day 5 gives us permission to sit back for a second and recognize how we can be strengthened by Jesus every day. Then, we will be encouraged to think about the generations before us that passed the Word to us and about the generations behind us that we have the responsibility of passing the Word along to.
Have you ever just looked at your Christian life and asked yourself, “Why am I doing this? What is the goal here?” In fact, why are you studying the Word of God today?
As always, we can look to Scripture for the answers and guidance we need. Paul begins chapter two by telling Timothy to be strengthened. Paul understood that Timothy was watching two things unfold simultaneously in the world around him: one group of people was abandoning the faith entirely, while others who were willing to endure the suffering that faith brought about were staying true to the cause. Knowing that this was the situation raging around Timothy, Paul, not through shame or condemnation, reaches out to his young disciple, tells him he loves him, and with two powerful yet passive words, encourages him, “Be strengthened!”
Christian, this is a beautiful message for you today. When the world seems to be drifting or darting away from the teachings of Jesus, don’t try and muscle your way to a place of safety. Instead, remember the message of the Gospel, admit your weakness, and be strengthened through the grace and kindness of God. Each day, draw from the well of strength that is the Word of God, find comfort in the person of King Jesus, and be led by the Holy Spirit himself.
Is the Word of God within you today? Was it passed along to you from your parents or mentors? Or has God been so gracious as to lead you to it today so that you can be the first one planted in a new lineage of believers? We study this truth and bury it deep within our beings so that we can lean on it, yes, but also so that we can pass it on to others. This is how the Gospel advances in the world around us and through generations to come.
So even to old age and gray hairs,
O God, do not forsake me,
until I proclaim your might to another generation,
your power to all those to come.
Psalm 71:18
Do you want to live a life of meaning and purpose? This is how. This is the answer to the question we asked earlier. Take up the call, be strengthened by the words of Jesus, and then deliver those words through word and deed, to the world around you.
What's next?
Today is a good day to take stock of where you are. Openly and honestly evaluate what you are counting on to strengthen you, is it the word of God that is guiding you through challenges, or have you been counting on your own abilities to get you to the other side?
- What does it look like in your life to be strengthened by Jesus through his Word?
- Do you have anyone holding you accountable to not just reading the Bible, but living guided by its truths and wisdom?
Scripture References