Composed in the Chaotic
Day 11
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Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.
2 Timothy 2:23-36
It’s time to get down to brass tacks, as they say. In today’s day and age, how do we enter into spiritual conversations when people are all over the map in their views and Christians are increasingly questioned and maligned? The advice Paul gave to Timothy two thousand years ago in the face of a struggle not unlike our own may shock you.
The Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.
This is perhaps the most counter-cultural step we’ve been taught by Paul so far in our study. Look around, and you’ll find that the predominant language of our day is antagonistic and argumentative. We find ourselves alive in a time where conversations have been replaced with competitions, and comment sections are filled to the brim with condemnation and criticism. Against such a tide it would be easy to lose heart, to give up, or even to give in, but God knew that this would be the very time in which we would live, and He has placed us in it for a reason.
So if we are willing to sacrifice the counterfeit pleasures offered to us by the world around us and to act differently in order to live out our calling as ambassadors of King Jesus, then we are going to have to follow the same steps that the Apostle Paul gave to Timothy all those years ago:
- Do not be quarrelsome. We are not fighters who are insensitive debaters willing to win the argument no matter the feelings of others.
- We are kind to everyone. We're gentle even if people disagree with us.
- We are able to teach. We are well-informed, equipped, and able to explain. We know our scripture really well. We've studied it, and the truths are deep within us.
- We are patient. We endure the evil in the world, even when we've been wronged.
Why do we act like this? Because our Lord acted like this. People could oppose Jesus’ ideas, yet He still wanted to save them. He didn't attack when provoked; in fact, He didn’t even lash out at those who crucified Him at his most desperate moment. If Jesus didn’t condemn those whose Sin he paid for on the Cross, then what right do we have to curse anyone?
Christian, you have a higher calling, and so you must live like it, with composure and grace so that when you engage in conversation with gentleness, your careful correction may find fertile ground. As you do, keep in mind the words of Paul, that maybe God will grant even the people who are against you the gift of repentance, turning their lives to Jesus. Pray that they might come to know the truth and escape the snare of the Devil. That is the posture of a Jesus-follower, willing to extend grace instead of condemnation and hold forth the word of life in the hope that God would rescue many through our work.
What's next?
Asking God what we are about to ask Him today might be difficult for you to do. Take a few minutes and allow God to prepare your heart and give you the courage to loosen your grip on how the world has taught you to respond. The Lord is ready to make you a good picture of Himself to the world. Ask Him for help as you go out into it.
- When you are in a disagreement with someone, do you see them as your enemy? Ask God to soften your heart for the people you are currently holding a grudge against, even ones you aren’t immediately aware of.
- Ask God to help you enter into conversations with gentleness, patience, a willingness to listen, and, if appropriate, correct in kindness.
- Is there anyone you need to apologize to for the way you have spoken to them in the past? If God brings someone to mind, ask Him for the courage to set your pride aside and ask them for forgiveness. We won’t always be perfect in our effort to live with grace and humility, but we can still display the heart of a Christian by taking responsibility for our grievances and seeking to make amends.
Scripture References