Day 7
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Now when Jesus returned, a crowd welcomed him, for they were all expecting him.
Luke 8:40
It's day seven of our Acclimate journey, which also means it's day one of Passion 2025. This generation is gathering from all over the world to join us this year, traveling in cars, buses, vans, and planes to Atlanta, Georgia, to participate in what’s about to take place at State Farm Arena.
As we head into these next few days together, we want to focus on this last word: “expectation.” Expectancy is simply “a strong desire that something will happen.”
I want you to think about this as you make your way here: What are your expectations? What are you believing for? What are you longing to experience?
Our hope is that each of us would center our expectations around a strong desire to meet with Jesus. A lot of great things are going to happen at Passion 2025, but what we want more than anything else is to have an encounter with Jesus.
The Gospel of Luke provides a great picture of this—it's a story about Jesus leaving a crowd that did not want him to stay on one side of the Sea of Galilee, so He crossed the sea and returned to the other side. Verse 40 describes the scene as He stepped onto the shore to the adulation of an expectant people. We hope this is the attitude we have heading into Passion 2025.
We're not here for the people on the stage or those to our left and right. We are eager to welcome and receive Jesus, with longing and expecting. So, in these last few hours, raise your expectations and set your heart on the hope of an encounter with the one whose name and renown we are gathering for, Jesus.
God, I thank You for this opportunity, for every student and leader who is on their way, and more than anything, I ask You to come and meet with us.
Allow me, by Your grace, to have an encounter with You that would mark my life forever. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.