December 18, 2022
Brad Jones brings a meaningful talk highlighting the theological significance of Jesus’ arrival: When Jesus came, grace came. This reality was of massive significance to a people steeped in religiosity. As people who have received grace, we are now to grow in grace – toward others and ourselves.
- We either RECEIVE or REJECT the grace of God.
- We either EMBRACE or IGNORE the grace of God.
- We either point people TOWARDS or point people AWAY from the grace of God.
Discussion Questions
- Who is the most famous person to come to your hometown? If you are from a big town, who is the most famous person you have run into in public?
- Why was it a big deal for grace to come? What was the religious context behind Jesus’ birth?
- Brad Jones briefly shared the answer to this important question: What is the best way to tell what God is like?
- What is God’s posture toward us, according to Brad Jones? How is this different from how other faiths portray their gods?
- What was your upbringing like when it comes to the subject of grace? Was your household full of grace or was it a graceless place?
- In your own words, what does it mean to “grow in grace”?
- When Paul sought to have the “thorn” in his flesh removed, Scripture reveals that it was ‘grace’ that Paul needed. Why was it that sufficient grace was what Paul needed in his struggle?
- Brad Jones urges us to be a people who point others toward grace. If you were to evaluate your character, would you say you tend to lean more toward being a gracious person or a graceless person? How so?
- If your eagerness to point people to Jesus is a good indicator of your humility and your heart’s purity, then what does your current outlook say about your heart?
- How would you describe your current role in the Kingdom of God? Do you ever envy another role – someone at work? At church?
Scripture References
Brad Jones
Passion City Church Atlanta is pastored by Brad Jones. Together, he and his wife Brittany have been a part of the Passion Movement for over a decade helping carry the heartbeat of Passion Conference and Passion City Church. They live in Atlanta with their two children, Caleb and Addy.