Brad Jones
Passion City Church Atlanta is pastored by Brad Jones. Together, he and his wife Brittany have been a part of the Passion Movement for over a decade helping carry the heartbeat of Passion Conference and Passion City Church. They live in Atlanta with their two children, Caleb and Addy.
Overwhelmed or Overflowing?
In the busyness of our schedules and our day-to-day lives, there is a very real fight for our attention and affection. In this talk, we're reminded of the one thing that deserves to be priority—Jesus.

Brad Jones
| Feb 9
Overwhelmed or Overflowing?
In the busyness of our schedules and our day-to-day lives, there is a very real fight for our attention and affection. In this talk, we're reminded of the one thing that deserves to be priority—Jesus.

Brad Jones
Feb 9
Let the Spirit Lead
For week two of Orbit, Brad Jones reminds us that God has an assignment and a purpose for our lives—to make Him known. In Acts 8, we see how God used Phillip, and Brad encourages us to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in the same way.

Brad Jones
| Nov 17
Let the Spirit Lead
For week two of Orbit, Brad Jones reminds us that God has an assignment and a purpose for our lives—to make Him known. In Acts 8, we see how God used Phillip, and Brad encourages us to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in the same way.

Brad Jones
Nov 17
Embracing Your Place At The Table
Brad Jones leads us through Luke 22, showing how we’ve been invited to participate in God’s magnificent story here on earth. God might not give us everything we want, but He will give us everything we need to live the life He’s called us to live and fulfill His purposes.

Brad Jones
| Aug 18
Embracing Your Place At The Table
Brad Jones leads us through Luke 22, showing how we’ve been invited to participate in God’s magnificent story here on earth. God might not give us everything we want, but He will give us everything we need to live the life He’s called us to live and fulfill His purposes.

Brad Jones
Aug 18
Be the Church
Brad Jones challenges us to think about what God calls us to do as the Church—to be light in a dark and broken world and proclaim His name to the ends of the earth.

Brad Jones
| Jul 14
Be the Church
Brad Jones challenges us to think about what God calls us to do as the Church—to be light in a dark and broken world and proclaim His name to the ends of the earth.

Brad Jones
Jul 14
Jesus Is on the Move
Brad Jones preaches through Luke 18:35-43, shedding light on the power of the story of the blind beggar asking for sight and encouraging us to ask God for the same in our own lives, leaving us attuned to His will and desires for us.

Brad Jones
| May 19
Jesus Is on the Move
Brad Jones preaches through Luke 18:35-43, shedding light on the power of the story of the blind beggar asking for sight and encouraging us to ask God for the same in our own lives, leaving us attuned to His will and desires for us.

Brad Jones
May 19
There is Good News
In this talk, Brad Jones emphasizes how Jesus has the power to transform us so that we can go and tell people about what He has done.

Brad Jones
| Mar 17
There is Good News
In this talk, Brad Jones emphasizes how Jesus has the power to transform us so that we can go and tell people about what He has done.

Brad Jones
Mar 17
Our God Will Fight for Us
Focusing on the book of Nehemiah, Brad Jones challenges us to change our order of thinking when faced with adversity. Instead of seeking counsel from everyone around us or trying to deal with things on our own and then pleading with God when that fails us, Brad empowers us to pray and fast as the prophet Nehemiah did, prayer being his first response.

Brad Jones
| Jan 21
Our God Will Fight for Us
Focusing on the book of Nehemiah, Brad Jones challenges us to change our order of thinking when faced with adversity. Instead of seeking counsel from everyone around us or trying to deal with things on our own and then pleading with God when that fails us, Brad empowers us to pray and fast as the prophet Nehemiah did, prayer being his first response.

Brad Jones
Jan 21
Let Earth Receive Her King
Brad Jones leads us further into the Christmas season by pointing to the anticipation of Simeon, who longed to see the King who was to come. By looking to the promises of God and the examples in Scripture, we can wait on God in our own lives with patience, anticipation, and godliness.

Brad Jones
| Dec 10
Let Earth Receive Her King
Brad Jones leads us further into the Christmas season by pointing to the anticipation of Simeon, who longed to see the King who was to come. By looking to the promises of God and the examples in Scripture, we can wait on God in our own lives with patience, anticipation, and godliness.

Brad Jones
Dec 10
Blessed to Believe
Brad Jones leads listeners by pointing to the life of Thomas – oftentimes referred to as “Doubting Thomas.” While this may be his nickname among people who do not know his full story, we can be confident that Jesus welcomed Thomas as a skeptic who would come to believe and die for his faith.

Brad Jones
| Sep 10
Blessed to Believe
Brad Jones leads listeners by pointing to the life of Thomas – oftentimes referred to as “Doubting Thomas.” While this may be his nickname among people who do not know his full story, we can be confident that Jesus welcomed Thomas as a skeptic who would come to believe and die for his faith.

Brad Jones
Sep 10
The Greatest Apologetic
As we head into Above + Beyond Sunday, Brad Jones – alongside Todd Peterson and Allison Dukes – leads listeners in a discussion about Generosity. As examples and sources of wisdom, these three leaders in our House share life and perspective-altering truths about what it means to live out the “Greatest apologetic:” living generously in a tight-fisted world.

Brad Jones
| Aug 6
The Greatest Apologetic
As we head into Above + Beyond Sunday, Brad Jones – alongside Todd Peterson and Allison Dukes – leads listeners in a discussion about Generosity. As examples and sources of wisdom, these three leaders in our House share life and perspective-altering truths about what it means to live out the “Greatest apologetic:” living generously in a tight-fisted world.

Brad Jones
Aug 6
Was It Worth It?
Brad Jones leads listeners in a talk about the worthwhile pursuit of obedience to Jesus. He shares from the life of Paul and the book of Romans that Christians should be marked by an “eagerness” to submit to the mission God has for our lives.

Brad Jones
| Jul 16
Was It Worth It?
Brad Jones leads listeners in a talk about the worthwhile pursuit of obedience to Jesus. He shares from the life of Paul and the book of Romans that Christians should be marked by an “eagerness” to submit to the mission God has for our lives.

Brad Jones
Jul 16
Jesus Stories
This week, we’re joined by Pastor Brad Jones from our house in Atlanta, who brings an encouraging message about Jesus’ first miracle and challenges us to ask ourselves: what kind of story am I telling about Jesus with my life?

Brad Jones
| Jul 9
Jesus Stories
This week, we’re joined by Pastor Brad Jones from our house in Atlanta, who brings an encouraging message about Jesus’ first miracle and challenges us to ask ourselves: what kind of story am I telling about Jesus with my life?

Brad Jones
Jul 9