Glorify Your Name
Day 3
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On day three, we’re exploring what it truly means to pray for God's glory to be known. Praying that His name would be glorified is different than praying that we get what we want.
It’s important for all of us to check our motives and to pray boldly that whatever comes to pass, God gets glory. The demonstration of His power, the proclamation of the gospel, and the salvation of many is the whole purpose when He performs a miracle. Miracles are always linked to Kingdom purposes. Are your prayers?
This is the powerful prayer that God always answers, "Father, glorify your name.” Our prayers for the impossible and for miracles should be informed by a desire to advance the Gospel in the world. We mustn’t live detached from God's will, and from time to time ask Him to intervene when we feel like we need Him to. The Christian life is to be spent walking in His mission, focusing our prayers on what He wants, not for our own benefit, but for the glory of His Name. Read Acts 4:29, and you’ll see Peter and John, who understood God's mission, so they prayed that God would consider the threats against them and asked that He would enable them to spread the Gospel boldly.
Louie told a story of revival in (what was once) Burma after a little girl was raised from the dead after burning in a fire. God did the same thing in Mark 5:41-42 and Luke 8:54-55 when He raised Jairus's daughter. God can do anything for the demonstration of His power and for the proclamation of Jesus so that people will be saved.
So pray the bold prayers, but pray them so that many will come to know Jesus and the Gospel will be spread to those who need to hear it.
What's Next?
Louie told a couple of stories of bold prayers that were being prayed. In both cases, people's lives were forever changed as they went from death to life or reminded themself of the character of God. Whether you see the miracle or not, you can be sure that a bold prayer of faith shakes Heaven and touches the heart of God.
- Why is praying that God be glorified no matter what such a shift in perspective?
Scripture References