May I Have Your Attention?
Day 2
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Yesterday, we asked ourselves what is holding us back from praying with the kind of boldness that amazed Jesus when he heard it from the Centurion. If you answered fear, you’re not alone. Many times, we are afraid of coming to God with confidence and then feeling disappointed if the situation or circumstance doesn’t turn out as we dreamed it would. So, it’s only natural to ask…what do we do if that happens?
Join us for day two as we explore what to do when we feel overlooked or cast aside in the event our prayers don’t lead to the outcome we desire.
Great Faith Captures The Attention of Heaven.
There are so many stories of miracles throughout scripture, so there can be an obvious tension when what we pray for doesn't come to pass. It is important to know that just because the miracle didn't happen does not mean that we didn't have enough faith. It just means that, ultimately, God is using that particular circumstance to achieve a different outcome. This is a seismic shift in our way of thinking.
John 12:23-28 contains an amazing parable. Here, Jesus explains that a single seed of wheat sitting on a shelf is worth little. But, if that seed goes through the process of falling into the ground and dying, it will take part in a process by which a multitude of other seeds are created.
Here, Jesus is teaching the apostles Philip and Andrew that the time has come for him to lay down his life in the same way. Facing this trial, Jesus teaches them that he can pray in one of two ways:
- He can ask God the Father to save Him from this hour and deliver him from what he is about to face.
- Jesus can trust that God the Father has a great plan at work and choose to Glorify His name.
Was God capable of saving Jesus from the cross he was about to endure? Of course, but He didn’t because He was at work to bring about the salvation of all. Jesus, knowing fully the suffering that was in front of him, chose to trust God and to bless his name. This is miraculous faith.
What's Next?
Think about the questions below and take some time aside to give glory to God for the way things happened. In all things, God works together for those who love Him. The purpose is always bigger than we can understand at first glance.
- Have you ever boldly prayed for something that did not come to pass? How do you reconcile that?
- Looking back now, do you have a clearer understanding of why God answered the way He did?
Scripture References