Enjoy God's World
Day 5
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Day five, and we’re picking up from where we left off in From Anxiety to Intimacy. This time, we’re introduced to the idea that anxiety can be countered with joy.
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.
Philippians 4:4
One of the greatest tools to combat anxiety is the joy of self-forgetting. As we learn about pivotal historical figures in history, we come to see how we can sustain power in the midst of pain with unbounded joy.
Instead of immediately reading the news or scrolling through your phone in the morning tomorrow, try finding the little things around you that bring you joy.
Philippians 4:4 says to rejoice always. That can be hard to do when your anxiety is rising, but all throughout history, we have examples of people rising above their sorrows.
William Wilberforce- the tool he used to combat anxiety was what he called "the joy of self-forgetting." He spent his life leading the Abolition movement and yet was physically in immense amounts of pain. However, his joy was irresistible. He fought the sadness of his difficulty by seeking ways to enjoy all that God had made.
Martin Luther suffered from depression. He found ways not to make the clouds lift but to move through the clouds. He bowled, listened to music, and married a woman who made him laugh.
Charles Spurgeon was melancholy and had bouts of depression. He would look all over in nature and would find great joy. He encouraged others to do the same so they wouldn't fall into a victim mentality.
Jonathan Edwards said that he had to find what was good in the world for him to sustain himself for the glory of God.
It's the same with us. One of the greatest weapons against worry is harnessing the joy of the world ourselves.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 talks about how there is a time for everything. Laugh, cry, dance, mourn...and to enjoy what is around us.
What's next?
Write down all your concerns, process them with God, give thanks...and then leave it. Go for a walk in the woods, call a good friend, watch a movie you enjoy, and listen to music that makes your soul come alive. Harness the beauty of the world to fight the tyranny of worry.