Release Worry With Thanksgiving
Day 3
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It’s day three of From Anxiety to Intimacy. We’re looking back to Philippians 4, except this time, we’re focusing on thanksgiving.
do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6
Ben Stuart addresses the question many of us may ask ourselves: Why would I be grateful if I’m anxious?
We offer thanksgiving to God, acknowledging that He not only rules the world and all that we’re concerned with but invites us to bring our requests to Him because He cares. Our worries are not too heavy for God; He is strong enough to hold us and loving enough to want to.
When we are able to not only release our worries to Him and allow Him to carry them, we can then express our gratitude. So, stop for a minute and tell God what you’re grateful for. Search for the things you’re thankful for, even if it’s hard initially. We can stop focusing on what we lack and instead focus on Him.
In Ancient Rome, a man was baptized, and his name changed from Titedios to Titedios Amerimnos. "Amerinmos" signifies "without worry." We all have the opportunity to trade our worries and to rest in intimacy with our King.
Modern researchers are seeing the benefits of meditation and thanksgiving, which Christians have been practicing for thousands of years. Gratitude can be a remedy for anxiety. We trade in chaos for a sense of contentment because Godliness with contentment is a great gain.
In Philippians 4:6, Paul says to offer up our prayers with thanksgiving. Why would we be grateful if we are anxious? We have so many things we are concerned about. Where do I work? Will it provide enough money? Where should I live? Will I ever get married? Gratitude has a way of interrupting that anxiety.
How does this work?
We are thanking God, not anyone or anything else. There is an acknowledgment that God rules all of the world even the things we are concerned about. He allows us to bring our requests into the throne room. This is a stunning truth for the believer.
In 1 Peter 5:7 and Psalm 55:22, we see that the command is the same, but the motivations are different. One is saying He is strong enough to hold us and the other is recognizing that He is strong enough to want to.
We, and our burdens, are not too heavy for the Lord. We are going to be taken care of.
What's next?
As you write out your anxieties, start recording what you are grateful for. Thanksgiving is an antidote to rising anxiety, allowing us to shift our focus from what we lack to what we have in Him, who loves and sustains us. He will not let the righteous fall. Psalm 55:22
- What you are grateful for right now?