Restoring the Joy of Salvation
Day 6
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Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.Psalm 51:12
As we continue on our fasting journey, we’re nearing the end of the first week and this focus on becoming more attuned to God, being For God and the things that matter to Him.
At the top of that list is the work of salvation by the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, for the sins of the world. But for some of us, our salvation can become a thing that happened a while back. A rich moment in history, but just that - history. And yet, God never intended for something so radically significant to just be another footnote in your story. It is THE story. It is God’s work IN you - moving you from death to life in Him. Hallelujah! As we close this week, ask God to restore in your heart the joy of His salvation.
Reflect + Apply:
List out 5 reasons you are thankful for God’s salvation today.
Pray a prayer of gratitude for all the ways that God’s grace has changed your life. Tell Him how much you appreciate His provision and protection.