For The World
Day 22
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From beginning to end, the Scriptures show us how deeply God cares about all nations and all people.
Even in one of the most famous verses, John 3:16, the text starts by saying that God so loved the world. Because God is For The World, we too must follow His example and aspire to be people who are For The World.
As you are completing this fasting journey, we encourage you to finish strong and fix your gaze on Jesus! Would you petition Him for the nations and for His church around the world to thrive in the face of what is often difficult circumstances?
We don’t know what ways the Kingdom will expand as a result of our obedience, but we do know that the Church will not be overcome by the darkness, and that at the end of the day, “every knee [will] bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue [will] acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil. 2:10:-11).
As you end your journey, don’t forget to recognize and celebrate what God has done over the last few weeks. He has likely moved in significant ways in your life so consider participating in a celebratory feast [choose a day and focus on rejoicing over what God has done]. If you feel comfortable, share with someone close to you one of the things that God has put on your heart throughout this journey.
Biblically speaking, Feasting is an important component in the practice of fasting. After we conclude our fast, we are meant to celebrate our God who we can pursue and know. We are meant to feast in joy and adoration for the ways that God works in our lives (John 2:23; 7:2; 10:22; 13:1).
Since Jesus modeled both feasting and fasting, as followers of Jesus, we practice what was modeled and what is to come in the feasts of heaven (Is. 25:6-8; Rev. 19:7-9). In the midst of your fasting, remember to plan and make space for feasting!