August 6, 2023
As we head into Above + Beyond Sunday, Brad Jones – alongside Todd Peterson and Allison Dukes – leads listeners in a discussion about Generosity. As examples and sources of wisdom, these three leaders in our House share life and perspective-altering truths about what it means to live out the “Greatest apologetic:” living generously in a tight-fisted world.
Key Takeaway
We, as imitators of God, aught to live generously, because our God is a giver, not a taker.
“God is a giver, not a taker, and we - as His people - are to be imitators of Him.”
Todd Peterson
Discussion Questions
- Unpack what Peterson shared about spending and income. He said, “Financial challenge is typically a spending issue, not an income issue.” What did he mean by this?
- How is money a “tool to be managed” rather than a lifeline to be loved? How would you explain this concept in your own words?
- Philippians 3 contains a passage about the Apostle Paul’s view of abundance. How would you describe how “gain” is “loss” in light of Jesus?
- Allison Dukes reminds us that “Life doesn’t consist in the abundance of possessions” (Lk. 12:15). What are the things and experiences in life that lead us to forget this principle?
- Allison Dukes shares an amazing thought, “We can’t control the economy but we can be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us.” What are some applications you can draw from this truth? What should we concern ourselves with and what should we not be anxious about?
- Todd Peterson shares that it is his family’s intention to “Give in such a way that we need God to provide.” What does this approach look like, and how might it help you gauge what true generosity is for your life?
- 2 Corinthians 8:2-5 is a powerful verse about the generosity of the early Church. Read it again together and answer this question: How did the churches of Macedonia give? What was their attitude?
- Allison Dukes shared that it is the hope of Passion City that, while everyone gives, everyone also receives. What are all the things we receive when we live generously?
Scripture References

Brad Jones
Passion City Church Atlanta is pastored by Brad Jones. Together, he and his wife Brittany have been a part of the Passion Movement for over a decade helping carry the heartbeat of Passion Conference and Passion City Church. They live in Atlanta with their two children, Caleb and Addy.