For week two of Orbit, Brad Jones reminds us that God has an assignment and a purpose for our lives—to make Him known. In Acts 8, we see how God used Phillip, and Brad encourages us to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in the same way.
Key Takeaway
When the Spirit leads, the good news of Jesus will be received.
Your life has a God-given purpose, and you were created in Christ for good works.
We may not all be uniquely gifted to evangelize in the same way, but we are all called to share the Good News of the Gospel.
When we look at the story in Acts 8:26-29, we see growth and activity in the Church because Phillip got a word from heaven and, in turn, let the Spirit lead. The same Spirit who was leading Philip wants to lead you and me, and in that, prayer and communion with Jesus through the Holy Spirit are absolutely essential.
Here are a few takeaways from Acts 8:26-29:
1. God doesn't give us all the details, but we must trust Him regardless.
Phillip didn’t know exactly what God was doing, but he had a word from the Lord.
When trying to discern if the Holy Spirit is leading us somewhere, we can know that His will always align with His Word.
“You don’t need to see the whole picture; you just need to trust the One who holds it."
2. God will lead us to moments outside of our comfort zone.
Phillip went from the north part of the country to the south.
God may lead you to situations that seem like interruptions, inconveniences, or sacrifices, but often, these end up being the best moments.
3. God is already working.
This isn’t our mission; it’s God’s mission, and He is inviting us to be a part of it. Look for where God is working and join Him there. Just like Philip, as we follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit, God will open doors of opportunity for us.
God is always working…oftentimes in unexpected people and in unexpected places (John 5:17).
In Colossians 4:2, we see there is consistent communion.
Then, if we jump down to Acts 8:30-35, we notice a few things:
1. The Eunuch invited Philip in.
He understood he needed help. Something in him realized he didn’t have the full picture.
God puts people in our path to help shape us into who He wants us to be.
2. Philip stepped into the opportunity (Colossians 4:2-6).
3. Beginning with that Scripture, He explained the good news of Jesus.
Let the Word do the work.
Learn the Word, be changed by the word, and help people understand the word.
The sword of the Spirit is our most effective weapon. (Romans 10:17, Isaiah 55:11, Hebrews 4:12)
We can’t save people, no matter how good the sermon is. It’s the work of God through the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
After reading Acts 8:36-40, we see that the Gospel is on its way to Ethiopia. Not just to a person but to a continent, and Acts 1:8 was fulfilled quicker than they could have ever imagined.
It is amazing how God orchestrated this moment, but even more amazing is how He orchestrated history around the person and work of Jesus. To God be the glory (Ephesians 3:20).
Discussion Questions
- Do you believe that your life has a God-given purpose? How do you live in response to that truth?
- Have you ever told yourself or others that you are just not gifted with evangelism? How has this text challenged that belief?
- Have you ever experienced a time when God led you to leave everything behind and follow Him? If yes, what did that look like? If not, how do you think you would respond if He asked you to do that?
- How do we know if the Holy Spirit is leading us somewhere?
- Do you think God wants us to live a life of comfort? Why or why not?
- Why do you think God often leads us to live lives of discomfort?
- Is God leading you out of your comfort zone currently? How?
- Are there people in your life that you need to ask to help you, mentor you, or teach you?
- "We can’t save people, no matter how good the sermon is. It’s the work of God through the Holy Spirit and the Word of God." How does this truth challenge you?
- How is God using you right now?
Scripture References