My kids have always loved church. There’s music, games, friends, and sometimes even snacks—what’s not to love!? But beyond the fun, how do we talk to our kids about the heart of church? Why do we go? What’s the point? Why is this part of our family’s weekly rhythm? These are great questions to discuss with your kids and maybe even wrestle with on your own as you shape your family culture.
Church is a family to which we belong. By grace, we are God’s children. That makes us family–brothers and sisters placed in a household called the Church. It’s not about membership or a club you join, it’s about a relationship with God and with each other. We often remind our kids that the Church isn’t perfect because it’s composed of imperfect people, but the Church is part of God’s good design.
The early Christian church was formed by the followers of Jesus after his death, burial, and miraculous resurrection. We learn about the beginning of the Christian church in gospel writings, the book of Acts, and the New Testament letters. What started with humble beginnings 2,000 years ago has now reached around the globe and spans across ethnicities, borders, ages, and demographics. Some churches gather in steepled buildings, big box buildings, houses, and huts. But the Church is not just about what happens in the four walls where we gather, it’s far more about the way in which we scatter to carry the truth of Jesus to our friends and neighbors, putting His love on display through our lives. The Church is people. And together, we are united on a mission in our cities and to the world to share and reflect the love and beauty of Jesus.
Here are a few simple statements you can share with your kids to help explain the what and why of going to church:
We gather to Worship
Worship is not just an individual experience but a communal act of expressing gratitude, reverence, and adoration for God. There is power in gathering with believers to raise a song of praise to Jesus. Our worship buoys our faith as we remember and honor God, standing shoulder to shoulder with others who are in agreement. We can sing loud or quiet, with arms raised or knees bowed. Our expression and practice of worship is welcomed and cultivated within our church communities.
We gather to Pray
Ephesians 4 reminds us that there is strength and power in numbers. Church is where we gather in corporate prayer, where believers can pray together for various needs and concerns. Church is the family we can run to when life is hard or when life is good. We need each other and we were created to care for, encourage and pray for one another.
We gather to Serve + Give
We are the recipients of the greatest gift the world has ever known—the love, grace, and mercy of God. Having freely received, we freely give. We give of our time, talent, and treasure as we identify needs in our community. Our act of serving and giving is a form of our worship. It’s important to teach our children that they have a unique role to play in the body of Christ, and the Church is where we gather for maximum impact so that others can hear and learn about Jesus.
We gather to Remember
As Jesus followers, we have been commanded to take communion and to be baptized as outward signs of our faith. Communion is done in community; believers take bread and wine as a symbol to remember what Jesus did for us on the cross. Baptism is a public profession of faith. Both communion and baptism are meant to be done corporately among a group of believers as we remember, celebrate, and honor King Jesus.
We gather to Grow
Church is where we can learn and uphold the Word of God. Through preaching, teaching, and studying the Bible together at Church, Jesus followers deepen their understanding of God’s heart and how the Truth is applied to our lives. Being part of a church community also provides accountability. It helps us stay grounded in our faith, shapes our value system, and provides tangible ways for us to support one another in times of struggle.
As a church community, we gather to grow, remember, serve, give, pray, and worship. Church is part of God’s good design to help us to endure and “run the race” of life well. (1 Corinthians 9) We were made for community and it’s vital for our kids to experience what it’s like to prioritize gathering and serving as part of a church so that it becomes a healthy practice in their own life, growth, and journey with Jesus. So, don’t grow weary, moms and dads. Keep showing up to church. The seeds we sow into our kids will take roots deep into their hearts and help shape who they become.
(1 Corinthians 12:12, Acts 2, Matthew 28:19, Luke 22:19, 1 Corinthians 11:26, 1 John 5:2)
Scripture References