July 16, 2023
Brad Jones leads listeners in a talk about the worthwhile pursuit of obedience to Jesus. He shares from the life of Paul and the book of Romans that Christians should be marked by an “eagerness” to submit to the mission God has for our lives.
Key Takeaway
Live your life for what is worth living for.
1. Don’t forget where you came from.
2. Embrace Jesus’ unique and specific call on your life.
3. Get the right people around you.
4. Live for what is worth living for.
"The more I read Scripture, the more I read about Calling than Career."
Brad Jones
Discussion Questions
- What is on your Bucket List for life and your future adventures?
- Was this how Paul actually felt? Is he using hyperbole (Rom. 1:8)?
- Does an “eagerness” to live on-mission mark your life?
- According to Pastor Brad, what is it that breeds entitlement?
- If you were to draft a mission statement for your life, what words would you want to incorporate?
- Over the course of your life, what doors have opened? What doors closed?
- Where has God placed you right now?
- How has God uniquely gifted you?
- What currently burdens you? Are you investing time in this area of interest?
- Take a moment to speak into each other's lives. What opportunity do you see in the lives of the people around you?
Scripture References

Brad Jones
Passion City Church Atlanta is pastored by Brad Jones. Together, he and his wife Brittany have been a part of the Passion Movement for over a decade helping carry the heartbeat of Passion Conference and Passion City Church. They live in Atlanta with their two children, Caleb and Addy.