Louie Giglio joins us for another week of All Consuming Fire. Through studying Revelation 5, we see that the only one worthy of all of our worship and praise is the One who is and is to come.
Key Takeaway
We pray to ask God to intervene, believing that He can move, but we also pray as an act of worship.
The book of Revelation contains many different themes. Today, as we focus on chapter 5, we are honing in on God's worthiness.
We have the opportunity to see what's in God's throne room right now and to see what is and what is to come.
Five main ideas of Revelation 5:
1. God uses the foolish to confound the wise.
- The Lion was a Lamb. The unfolding of judgment and restoration all hinged on the death, burial, and resurrection…in the garden; nevertheless, not my will but yours be done.
- The power + wisdom of God is in the completeness of God.
2. God stores our prayers as the aroma of heaven.
- Prayer isn't just for us to pray for circumstances, but to pray to a God in the midst of circumstances.
- We don't need anyone else to go to God, we can go straight to Him.
- Everyone has access to Him.
- We're not living "in the reign" because we aren't always looking through the lens of eternity. We can tend to get caught up in our circumstances on earth.
3. The glory and grace of God fuel the worship of heaven.
- We can always worship Him because of who He is.
- We're praising Him because He is worthy + holy.
- We worship Him because of who He is and what He's done.
4. The song of heaven is a global song.
- He was slain for everyone—every nation, tribe, people, and tongue. (Revelation 7:9)
- He created every human being for Him.
5. The worship of heaven consumes all other worship.
- Will we be happy with all of the glory going to Jesus?
- We need to get fit for heaven.
- What gets consumed? All other praise.
Discussion Questions
- How often are you incorporating prayer into your daily rhythm?
- Do you believe that you have access to God right now? What is keeping you from seeking Him out?
- What circumstances are you facing keeping you from having an eternal perspective?
- Read 2 Corinthians 4:18. What are your takeaways (if any) from this verse?
- If someone were to ask you about the character of God, what adjectives would you use?
- How do these adjectives help you see the holiness of God and His worthiness?
- In what ways do you find yourself seeking the glory rather than giving God the glory?
- What gets consumed? Do you believe this for yourself? How does knowing this help you look to heaven?
Scripture References