

Ben Stuart
Ben Stuart
September 18, 2022

For many of us, dating is more confusing and stressful than it has ever been, but the longing for an intimate relationship is still there. How can we navigate the risks of dating in a healthy way? Ben Stuart continues in our new series by examining the relationship displayed in Song of Songs and showing us how to date in a way that honors the other person and gives glory to God.

Key Takeaway

The way we speak and initiate conversation in dating is critical to the success of the relationship. When all the steps are taken in the proper order, you can fully give yourself to a trusted person who will honor you as your community celebrates.

Dating is confusing! It's much harder than it used to be. There is little trust and so much fear. The question is not how to date; it's how to get a lasting relationship. The longing for love is stronger than ever, but the complexities of dating are more confusing than ever. Song of Solomon shows us how to navigate the space between attraction and marriage. They deepen their evaluation, communication, and their commitment.

Song of Songs 2:8-9

The woman is excited when he comes around. The man is excited to see her! Neither are trying to play it cool. They enjoy each other. That's how you know you can think about marriage. If they annoy you and frustrate you all the time, that's a pretty good indicator that they may not be the one. You are just addicted to the sex. Hold the physical parts back so you can figure out if you even like being around them. Time and distance or two great tools for evaluation.

Song of Songs 2:10-13

He's saying that being around each other is life-giving. Not only are they excited to see each other and miss each other when they are gone, but when they are together, they flourish. They're better people, and they challenge each other in a good way.

As they evaluate, they start to communicate. As He communicates, it's with clarity and intention. Look at the verbs associated with him, "he comes," "stands," and "speaks." He initiates. He is described as a gazelle and a stag. That is a mixture of strength and skill. He's confident enough to say what he wants and skillful enough to do it in a kind way.

In today's society, men are not as skillful in asking women out and initiating. Don't shame them. A lot of this is made confusing by our culture and what they've been taught. In this book, the man communicates with intention. If men are texting regularly and going on multiple dates, they need to let the woman know what the intentions are and where they stand and give them an out. Clarity is a kindness.

In "Rethinking Sex," Christine Emba says that putting sex on the front end of a relationship makes dating unclear. What does "getting coffee" mean? Do you want to go to a movie, or do you want their body? So when it's put early in the evaluation process, it makes us confused and scared of the process itself. Our "liberation" has cost us.

The man is also vulnerable in his communication. He risks being rejected. He climbs the lattice, the barrier between friendship and maybe something more, but he is willing to cross it and asks her to do the same.

Song of Songs 2:14

He also asks with empathy. He knows what he is asking her to do and that it can be scary. He changes the metaphor. He's not a gazelle bounding anymore. She's a vulnerable dove in the rock. He's asking her to step forth from a place of safety and share more with him. He understands there is a risk.

His order of progression: He initiates with intention. He speaks with clarity. He goes first with vulnerability: he shares what he sees, compliments her, and shares how he feels. Then he invites her and waits until she is ready.

He pictures her like a dove, which is a tender animal. There's a delicacy to it. To a dove, there's nothing more frightening than a man's hands. So, he speaks gently to her with clarity, vulnerability, and empathy. He's not going to use her or take advantage of her.

Eventually, you end up sharing more. At some point in dating, you share with them your history, who you were, who you are now. Some people recoil at that, but in relationships, people long for complete vulnerability and complete safety, to be fully known and fully loved. You want someone who will cry and laugh with you. They're confess, you'll forgive. You'll mourn what was lost. You'll celebrate who they are now and all that God has done. And it will create a very strong bond.

If you share deep, vulnerable things and the other person can't forgive, Thank God you found that out before you were married and good riddance. Jesus Christ knows everything about you and still chose you. You want to marry someone who will love you like Jesus. If they can't forgive your past, what are they going to do when you hurt them in the future?

Song of Songs 2:15

Pronouns shift to "us" and "our." They're committed. As you get closer, you become more aware of threats. They realize they have a love that's blossoming, and some things are going to try and ruin that, so they call out to their community for help.

Foxes were pests in the ancient world. They would eat the blossoms and buds before anything had a chance to fully mature and bear fruit. Some threats are conflict and sex. What will they do when they disagree? How are they going to set up accountability and manage restraint?

Song of Songs 2:16-17

She loves him, but it's beyond love. It's possession of all of her. They don't just want to use each other's bodies. They want a unified whole. Mind, heart, and body. As this pursuit is done well, her desire for him grows.

Song of Songs 3:1-2

Often referred to as the "Bride's Dream" or "Bride's Anxiety". They're not married yet, she is in her own bed, but she's searching for him. It's a picture of her realizing that she's lying alone in her bed and she loves that man. She longs for him. She gets up to go find him. This is thought to be a dream, but it's the poetry of longing. It was just as dangerous for a woman to run out alone into the night then as it is now. Yet, she's willing and risks it.

Song of Songs 3:3-4

Some scholars say that in the dream, the watchmen represent her chastity or purity. They check in with her on whether or not she truly wants to pursue him...she says yes. She finds him and takes him to her mom. Why does she take him to her mother's house? Because mom's were seen as a safe place and she wants her mom to speak into whether this guy checks all the boxes.

Song of Songs 3:5

She warns the young woman again. True love, lasting love, has a lot of communication, evaluation of character, chemistry, a resolve from a community to work through conflict. He is her friend. They have made plans to retrain from the natural sexual pull. He is worthy of all of her, and she is willing to give him all of her. She is telling the younger women...wait for that! That is what you want.

"Dating is a dance of risk and response."
Ben Stuart

Discussion Questions

  1. What is the most confusing or frustrating part of dating today?
  2. One of the major elements in a healthy relationship is excited to be around each other and flourishing when together. How have you seen this done really well and really poorly?
  3. What are some of the verbs that Pastor Ben pointed out are associated with the man? See Song of Songs 2:8-10.
  4. Most women get annoyed that men are not skillful in pursuing or initiating. How has society and culture made it harder for men to know how to act?
  5. What is the risk of putting sex too early in the relationship? Why did God design it to be within the confines of marriage?
  6. The man risks being vulnerable first and understands the risk of what he is asking her to do. Why is being vulnerable and showing empathy so hard? See Song of Solomon 2:14.
  7. At some point in the relationship, you are going to have to share your history and story. They are going to have to share theirs with you. What is the appropriate response to this? How can you love them like Jesus in that moment?
  8. In The Bride's Dream, what do the watchmen and her mother's house represent?
  9. What does the woman again warn the young women about? Why?
  10. What if you haven't dated in the way that was talked about in the talk? How does Jesus view you? See Romans 5:8-9.

Scripture References

8Listen! My beloved!

Look! Here he comes,

leaping across the mountains,

bounding over the hills.

9My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag.

Look! There he stands behind our wall,

gazing through the windows,

peering through the lattice.

10My beloved spoke and said to me,

“Arise, my darling,

my beautiful one, come with me.

11See! The winter is past;

the rains are over and gone.

12Flowers appear on the earth;

the season of singing has come,

the cooing of doves

is heard in our land.

13The fig tree forms its early fruit;

the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.

Arise, come, my darling;

my beautiful one, come with me.”

14My dove in the clefts of the rock,

in the hiding places on the mountainside,

show me your face,

let me hear your voice;

for your voice is sweet,

and your face is lovely.

15Catch for us the foxes,

the little foxes

that ruin the vineyards,

our vineyards that are in bloom.

16My beloved is mine and I am his;

he browses among the lilies.

17Until the day breaks

and the shadows flee,

turn, my beloved,

and be like a gazelle

or like a young stag

on the rugged hills.

1All night long on my bed

I looked for the one my heart loves;

I looked for him but did not find him.

2I will get up now and go about the city,

through its streets and squares;

I will search for the one my heart loves.

So I looked for him but did not find him.

3The watchmen found me

as they made their rounds in the city.

“Have you seen the one my heart loves?”

4Scarcely had I passed them

when I found the one my heart loves.

I held him and would not let him go

till I had brought him to my mother’s house,

to the room of the one who conceived me.

5Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you

by the gazelles and by the does of the field:

Do not arouse or awaken love

until it so desires.

Ben Stuart
Ben Stuart
Ben Stuart is the pastor of Passion City Church D.C. Prior to joining Passion City Church, Ben served as the executive director of Breakaway Ministries on the campus of Texas A&M. He also earned a master’s degree in historical theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Donna, live to inspire and equip people to walk with God for a lifetime.