Concluding the Believers in Babylon collection, Ben Stuart explains Daniel 12 and shows the connections between it and the Bible concerning the end of the world. Join us in discovering the hope that lies before us in our future.
Key Takeaway
No matter how bad things get, and they are promised to get worse, we hold a greater promise. God has purposed our pain and promises us an allotment with Him in Heaven.
One of the major themes of the Book of Daniel is longing. The original audience longs for the first coming of the Messiah, Jesus, and we long for the second. Daniel 12 takes the prophecies surrounding the end of the world as we know it and the return of Christ.
The end times are troubled. Jesus warns that the days will become so bad that no one will survive if He doesn’t cut them short. However, the end is not just a time of distress; it’s also a time of deliverance. Rescue is coming. Hope sustains us amid hardship. But who does this deliverance belong to? Those whose names are written in the Book of Life. They have a purchase in God’s Kingdom to come. How do you get your name in this book? Luke 10 lets us know that it’s by no means other than the Father revealing the Son to us. The book belongs to the Lamb, Jesus, who was slain. When you come to God like a child when the Son is revealed, your name is written in the Book of Life, and in times of distress, you will have deliverance.
The rescue will come, but for some, it will be after death. Daniel 12:2 is the clearest Old Testament reference to our resurrection. Paul backs this up in the New Testament. 1 Corinthians 15 teaches us that we can be calm in the face of death and have a purpose in our pain because we have a purpose in the Promised Land. Even when you look death in the face, if you are in Christ, it’s not the end for you.
The other group that will be raised will be raised to judgment. There is justice that God will carry out. God does not delight in judging, but you have the choice of what you will do with the truth of Jesus. Does your sin fall on the shoulders of Jesus, who paid your debt, or does it fall on your own shoulders, condemning you to judgment?
So, what do we do knowing the end is coming?
We share the Word of Life. Daniel 12:3 says that the wise are those who turn many to righteousness, and they will shine like stars. Being wise is knowing how the world works and working within it. Some people will know where history is going and what God is up to. The best thing we can do is help people turn toward what is right. We’ve found life, so we want others to have it. God has made a way for us to know Him, so we invite others to do the same. Live consistently with the Bible, and then speak the Word of God to people who desperately need Him.
We study the Word of Life. The angel tells Daniel to seal the scroll to preserve it. He knows there’s a day coming that will cause people to run to and fro looking for the truth, so he’s telling Daniel to give the people something solid to stand on. Be a student of the Word. Make your scripture time greater than your screen time. If you were pricked, would you bleed the Bible? People are running all over looking for knowledge. Do you have it? You’re meant to. We’re meant to be a people who find stability and safety in the storms of life.
We suffer well. Daniel sees an angel on each side of the river and a man above them. They ask him how long all of these wonders will last. There will be a definite time, but it will be devastating. It will end when the people of God are shattered. We can become so proud of our success that God sends pain to give perspective. The outcome will be that some people understand sin's darkness, repent, and purify themselves. But some will still shake their fist toward God.
At the end of the book, God encourages Daniel to stand in an allotted place. We don’t get to know all things, but we get to know Him, who knows all things, and that’s where your joy comes.
Discussion Questions
- What is one of the major themes of Daniel? How did this affect the original audience? How does it affect us?
- What does Matthew 24: 15-31 tell us about the end times?
- The end is not just a time of distress; it is also a time of deliverance. Who gets delivered? See Daniel 12:1.
- How do we get our name in the Book of Life according to Luke 10:21-22?
- Daniel 12:2 is the clearest Old Testament reference we have for the resurrection, which is a form of rescue. How does 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 further explain this?
- Those that aren't raised to life are raised to judgment. Does your sin fall on the shoulders of Jesus, who paid your debt, or on your own shoulders, condemning you?
- Who are the wise in Daniel 12:3, and what will they be like? How can you do this in your everyday life?
- Why did the angel tell Daniel to seal the scroll in Daniel 12:4?
- If you were pricked, would you bleed the Bible? How much time are you spending in Scripture and talking about your faith versus other meaningless things?
- How has Daniel been an encouragement in suffering well?
Scripture References