In this powerful message about our health, Louie shares the importance of treating our bodies the way that the Bible teaches us to. While society leads us to believe that our bodies are for our own temporary enjoyment, we are taught biblical truths of how we are meant to use our bodies to glorify God.
Key Takeaway
The goal of making healthy decisions and habits is not so that we feel better; it's so that we can be in a position to do all God has for us and bring Him the most glory. We are entitled to nothing; we are all the beneficiaries of the gift of life given by God. Take care of what He has given you.
We have an opportunity to make changes that can lead to a life that makes the most of what Jesus created us for. Giving God our life is a nice sentiment, but we lose the way and allow areas to get out of control because we don't break it down and make a plan. This series will focus on areas of life that we tend to waste.
Ephesians is a letter written to believers. It tells us who we are and how to live in relationship with Jesus. Chapter 5 gets specific, it's an invitation of grace. It says to be imitators of Christ.
Read Ephesians 5:15-19. Jesus is making a parallel in verse 17. He says to not get drunk on wine that leads to debauchery, dissipation, or waste. He is saying that it is a waste of your opportunity in life. You can't glorify God if you're drunk, and if you're not glorifying God, you're wasting time.
We only get one life. God only knows how many days we'll live, but we are very much in control of the decisions we make to foster or waste our health.
1) Commit to steward well the trust of life that God has given you.
See 1 Corinthians 6:18-20.
- If you want to waste your health, sexual immorality is a great way to do that.
- You were bought at a price; therefore, honor God with your body.
Put the two main passages together. Be imitators of Christ as dearly loved children (Ephesians 5:1). How did you become a child of God? By spiritual birth from God through Jesus. We are birthed by God and bought by God, so we steward our body that is on loan by God. We'll give an account of what we did with our health.
2) Take a serious approach to the step(s) it will take to recalibrate your destination.
- Alter the course, and recognize that "how I'm living is unacceptable."
- Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights before He did one thing on earth. He took so seriously His mission on earth that He put His body and spirit under extraordinary pressure to seek God and seriously set the direction of His life. He set His face like stone towards the Cross.
- You're not entitled to anything, we are all beneficiaries of the gift of life given by God.
We live in a Pinterest culture filled with dream boards, but actions are worth more than all the Pinterest living rooms in the world.
3) Connect your healthy choices to God's glory in and through your life.
- It's not just about feeling better, it's about being healthier so God can use you more on planet Earth.
- When we "get wasted", we disconnect our purpose on earth from our opportunity.
- Be careful to not give the glory to the healthy choice instead of giving the glory to God. Instead, give glory to God by making the choice to be able to do what He wants.
Don't waste your heart by making the necessary choices to extend your influence for Christ.
Be specific and let someone know.
I want to lose weight. How much do you need to lose each week?
I want to exercise more. How many times a week? Who knows about it?
I need to see a doctor. When can you make the appointment? Who can keep you accountable?
The list goes on and on - decrease blood pressure, quit smoking, drink less alcohol, think about what you eat and when, and go to rehab. What specific step can you take, and who can you tell?
4) Connect Spirit power with lifestyle choices.
- Ephesians 5:18, be filled with the Holy Spirit; it's the connection to being wise, making the most of every opportunity, and understanding the will of God.
- 1 Corinthians 6:19, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit; honor God with your body.
- We have the opportunity to tap into the Holy Spirit of God to help us make healthy lifestyle choices.
- There is a connection to mind, body, and spirit. We are woven together by God. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 says may your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- It's all grace. Whether you eat or drink, let it be for the glory of God. Let grace lead you.
Discussion Questions
- What does Ephesians 5:1 say?
- What is the parallel that Jesus is making to the passage in Ephesians 5:17?
- Do you believe that God numbers our days, but we do have a lot of control over the decisions that we make concerning our health? Why or why not?
- What is 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 implying?
- How do Ephesians 5:1 and 1 Corinthians 6:20 relate and support each other?
- What step can you take to recalibrate over time to a different destination? Are you willing?
- What area do you want to work on? How can you be specific in your place, and who can you tell?
- What is your motive for wanting to choose healthier habits?
- Have you ever thought about your mind, body, and spirit being connected? See 1 Thessalonians 5:23
- What is the connection between Ephesians 5:18 and 1 Corinthians 6:19? How does that affect our lives?