Don’t Waste Your Health
In this powerful message about our health, Louie shares the importance of treating our bodies the way that the Bible teaches us to. While society leads us to believe that our bodies are for our own temporary enjoyment, we are taught biblical truths of how we are meant to use our bodies to glorify God.
Don’t Waste Your Time
Continuing in our “Nothing Wasted” collection of talks, Louie Giglio reminds us of what time and time management have on our walks with God. We can either use every moment to glorify ourselves, or we can use every moment to glorify the name above all names: Jesus.
Don’t Waste Your Family
Through our current collection of talks, Nothing Wasted, Ben Stuart imparts wisdom on what it looks like to honor and obey your family as the Bible calls us to.
Don’t Waste Your Influence
Louie brings a powerful message about what it looks like to have influence everywhere we go. We can have wind in our sails knowing that our purpose and assignment is to glorify God to all the nations.
Don’t Waste Your Pain
Katherine & Jay Wolf join us to discuss hardship, pain, and suffering and how to use it for a greater purpose. As they recount their experience with Katherine having a serious brain stem stroke in her 20s, we are reminded that we can suffer well when faced with adversity and give God all the glory.
Don’t Waste Your Invitation
Continuing in our current collection of talks, Nothing Wasted, Louie Giglio talks about the invitation God extends to us by knocking on our door. What does it look like to open that door and step into a relationship with Him?