Aynsley Younker joins us for the third night of Summer in the City as we walk through Colossians 3, diving deep into the embodiment of sanctification. When we become new in Christ, we face holy refinement and exemplify what it looks like to be different from the world.
Key Takeaway
When you went from death to life, you entered into a process of sanctification—a holy refinement and transformation of the heart. Instead of desiring the things of this world, you begin to desire the things of God.
- We are under the submission of the kingdom—there is no neutrality.
- Set your heart on things above. You have a new purpose.
- We agree with the Spirit to put a stop to sin. This doesn't mean that we will never struggle again; it means that our identity isn't defined by our sins any longer.
- Reconciliation vertically with me and God through Christ always leads to reconciliation horizontally with me and everyone around me. The result of Jesus and the gospel is that enemies become family. It reaches across social and cultural barriers. There is no relationship unaffected.
- We forgive the same way Christ forgave us—by forgiving fully, deeply, and without strings.
- Let peace be the deciding factor in all decisions. Peace can lead you.
- We have a responsibility to live differently.
Discussion Questions
Do you know your purpose?
What does sanctification look like to you? In what ways have you seen that in your own life?
What sin in your life are you wanting to put to death? If you don't feel comfortable sharing this out loud, go ahead and write it down.
Have you witnessed any relationships in your life radically changing because of the gospel?
Do you have a hard or an easy time forgiving people who wrong you? If you have a hard time, why do you think that is?
Who do you need to forgive in your life?