The Good Shepherd
Day 4
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“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.”
Psalm 23:1
The role of the Shepherd is to tend to the sheep. So when the Scripture says that the Lord is our shepherd, it is saying that he tends to us. He sees us and cares for us better than we can care for ourselves. When we go astray, He pulls us back. When enemies approach, they come against His rod. When we’re with Him, we “shall not want.” In a world of wanting, where we are prone to wander, this Shepherd alone can satisfy our deepest desires. This satisfaction is found less in what He gives and more in who He is. In fact, God is more committed to doing something in us than giving something to us. The Shepherd Himself is the source of our delight and security, so lay down and stop looking elsewhere, resting securely under the tending of the Good Shepherd.
Reflect + Apply:
What do you find yourself wanting most? Why? Take some time to lay this at the Lord’s feet and meditate on the fact that the Lord is your Shepherd. Choose one facet of his character to replace this want and cling to this throughout your day.
Father, forgive my quickly wandering and too often wanting heart. Thank you for giving us all we need in who you are. Help me to believe that when I have You, I have enough.
Scripture References