The Best Defense is a Good Offense
Day 6
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Today is the final day of “How to Kill a Bad Habit.” These days have been foundational as we seek to embrace the rhythms of a well-fought life, and today, we’re learning to equip ourselves with a simple tool that will help us put these sinful habits to rest.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.
James 1:17-18
God has given us new life. There is so much to enjoy, breathe in, and celebrate with our Father in Heaven. These unique gifts from God are blessings and are the positive fuel our soul often craves when we turn from God towards old habits we long to leave behind, and they just might be a powerful tool in our belt when it comes to actually breaking them.
So how do we use these experiences with God to disrupt the pattern of trial, temptation, and the sin we so often find ourselves snared in? Let's take a step towards freedom together.
How do you dislodge a beautiful thing from a human heart? You replace it with a more beautiful thing. The best defense against a bad habit is to engage in a good one.
Focus your attention on the things that make you joyful. Otherwise, the human machine will seek pleasure in things that are unproductive.
When you stop these bad habits, you may come to realize that you missed out on things that help you thrive. If you’re creative, you may find that you have less time to create. If you’re innovative, you have less time to ideate. If you’re outdoorsy, you may have found yourself never going outside. Find ways to satisfy those things that drive and motivate you instead of entertaining bad habits that do nothing but lead you to death.
Sin, addiction, and bad habits may have made a mess of us. But God is doing something great by giving us new life. Enjoy the world He made, dive into the Word He has written to us, and replace destructive things with positive ones.
The best defense is a good offense. We believe in you.
What's next?
Draw a bullseye with a center circle, an outer circle, and another outer circle (three circles total). In the middle of the bullseye, write out the habits you don’t want to do anymore. In the second circle closest to the center circle, write out the things that lead to this habit: the lies you believe, bad thoughts, pain leading to these habits, environments you’re in, etc. In the outer circle, write out a long list of things you do for fun, like hiking, painting, etc. Things that provide joy with no sorrow. Invite God into those things.
Scripture References