Who Are You?
Day 2
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It's day two, and we are continuing to talk about how we can cultivate a meaningful life. Last time, we discussed how God created a structure for life to flourish and created us in His image.
We are presented with the question: How can the eternal touchdown with the mundane?
In order to see how we can use our gifts more effectively and efficiently for the greater good, we are going to be looking at your titles, tasks, and time. In this session, we will be looking at your titles.
Your identity determines your activity. Who you are determines what you do. God has given us these identities.
The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor.
Proverbs 12:24
What does it look like to cultivate and create every day?
How do you structure your time so you can flourish?
One of the best gifts you can give is you-fully alive.
Think about your titles, tasks, and time. This session focused on titles because it is important to identify exactly who you are. Your identity determines your activity. Who you are determines what you do.
Scripture has many titles for us. Beloved is one, which is appropriate since we are to love God. He also calls us saints. We are holy because of the work of Jesus, but we also are to live holy lives, making war against the sin that unravels creation.
Believe that you are the master of your schedule, not the victim of it. You are meant to cultivate in such a way that there is a flourishing to life.
What's Next?
Write out the titles you have under God (student, employee, parent, spouse, etc). What are the identities God has given you?
Scripture References