How To Be Spiritual
What Does it Mean to be Spiritual?
Day 1
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It's day one, and today, we are learning to position ourselves to receive the power of God. Everyone wants to be connected to a power greater than themselves that can lead them to heights that they are unable to reach on their own.
But what does it mean to be spiritual?
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
2 Corinthians 13:14
To be spiritual means to be rightly related to the spirit of God. The spirit of God is the intimate presence of God. He breathes into us the breath of life. God wants to be as close to you and me as the breath in our lungs.
“The spirit of God is the intimate, animating presence of God in human life.”
Our challenge for you today is to talk to God honestly about your desire to be spiritual. Have an open conversation with Him about it.
There is a huge interest in spirituality today, but what exactly has the believer in Jesus been called to? What does it truly mean to be rightly related to the Spirit of God in a world that often confuses spirituality and religion? Let's review the scriptures Ben Stuart led us through:
2 Corinthians 13:14- Paul encourages us to be able to commune with the Spirit of God.
Ephesians 5:15-18- We are to walk in wisdom and be filled with the Spirit.
But what is the story of the Holy Spirit?
Genesis 1:2- the Spirit hovered over the waters. He was present. All at once, God is separate from His creation, yet He's intimately connected to it. He takes chaos and creates order.
Genesis 2:7- God breathed into us life. The Hebrew word "ruach" used here is the same for "Spirit, breath, wind. It represents life.
The Spirit of God is God's intimate, animating presence in human life. He wants to be as close to us as our breath and breathe His life into us.
What's next?
Talk to God honestly about your desire to be spiritual. Start with a simple prayer, "God I want to be spiritual, to walk with you every day. Please, teach me through your Word and this track how I can do so."