The Command and the Control
Day 2
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Day Two takes us deeper into the study of the power of the Holy Spirit and what its role is in our lives. We will learn how the Holy Spirit, being a person, can lead us to deeper lives in Christ that produce transformation.
Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit
Ephesians 5:18 ESV
In today’s scripture, we see the Apostle Paul offering so much more than a great suggestion, he is providing a command: be filled with the Spirit.
More than pretty words or good intentions, this commandment serves as an imperative reminder that our lives should mirror the relationship we have experienced with Christ.
In the same way, the analogy in this scripture illustrates that as a controlled substance may alter or change our behavior, so should the filling of the Holy Spirit alter and change who we are.
As Dr. Loritts reminds us, any follower of Jesus who is not knowingly, willingly submitted to the control of the Holy Spirit is living in sinful disobedience to God.
Being filled with the Spirit is a commandment we are called to follow and control we have to surrender. It’s not enough to add Jesus to our way of doing things. Rather, we surrender daily, living our lives on display with the change we’ve experienced and the power we possess by His Spirit.
What's next?
What is the command that Paul gives in Ephesians 5:18? The comparison between substances and the Holy Spirit is meant to help us see just how powerful they are. A substance can control and alter you. We were not meant to be under the power of a substance; we were meant to yield and be controlled by the Holy Spirit, who will lead us to the transformed life we desire.
- Consider how you have been adding Jesus to your way of doing things rather than allowing your life to reflect and revel in the power of the Holy Spirit. What is the command that Paul gives in Ephesians 5:18?
- How can you experience all the power that the Holy Spirit wants to give you? What's in your life that you allow to control and alter you? Work? Social Media? Time in front of screens of any kind?
Scripture References