A Fresh Perspective on Prayer
From My Will to Thy Will
Day 4
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It's so easy to focus on the outside things we long to see, for people to come to know Christ, and for our community to change. However, God also desires an internal change within each of us. We are invited to participate in a divine exchange of wills. Join us today as Louie explains this idea further and explains our last shift of perspective.
Are you willing to commit to a divine exchange of wills? Are you willing to say to God, “I know what I want to see happen in my life, but I’m willing to open my hands and lay down my plans because I believe that you know best, and so however you want to use me, I’m yours”?
Matthew 6:10 says, "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
When Jesus told us to pray, the Greek word is Proseuxomai, which means: Properly, to exchange wishes; pray.
Literally, to intercede with the Lord by switching human wishes (ideas) for His wishes as He imparts faith ("divine persuasion").
As Jesus prayed in Gethsemane (Luke 22:41-42), He asked not for His will, but the Father's will be done. This exchange of prayer is where "My will" becomes "Thy will." Instead of telling God what we need Him to do, we ask Him what He wants us to do. We get to be a part of heaven coming to earth.
What's Next?
Our goal: To be constantly aware that my Father is the Sovereign King and He looks after me but He is also ruling everything. I don't give Him directives, I ask Him to direct me, and more than asking for answers, I ask to be the answer so that earth can see heaven in me.
Have your thoughts on prayer changed at all? Have you strengthened your relationship with your Father and deepened your faith?
Are you pausing to remember who He is?
Are you being molded from "My" to "Thy" will be done?