Levi Lusko

Levi Lusko

Levi Lusko is the founder and lead pastor of Fresh Life Church, located in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, and everywhere online. He is a best-selling author, podcast host, husband, and father of five, and travels the world speaking about Jesus.

Finders Weepers, Losers Keepers
Discover the endless riches of God as Levi Lusko unpacks a short parable and challenges us to commit fully.
Levi Lusko
Levi Lusko
| Jan 7
Finders Weepers, Losers Keepers
This Too Shall Last
Levi Lusko recounts the loss of his daughter Lenya, encouraging those facing tremendous hardship to shift their focus to the wonders of heaven, the weight of glory, the Word of God, and the wounds and wrath of Jesus. Our pain produces glory, and our heartbreak leads us to freedom for us and others around us.
Levi Lusko
Levi Lusko
| Jan 14
This Too Shall Last
Is There A Purpose for My Pain?
Uncover how to navigate life’s unexpected pain with faith and renewed endurance.
Levi Lusko
Levi Lusko
|4 Days
Is There A Purpose for My Pain?
Running Low on Purpose
Levi Lusko walks us through the story of the beginning of Jesus’ ministry in the Gospel of John when he turned water into wine at the wedding in Cana. Pastor Levi shows us five ways that Jesus’ first miracle communicated what his ministry is meant to be for us and explains what this powerful story means for our purpose today.
Levi Lusko
Levi Lusko
| May 22
Running Low on Purpose
Feast or Famine
Levi Lusko empowers us with the call that God has placed on all of our lives—to go and make disciples of all nations. We are encouraged to gather and be invigorated by the scattering—starting in our homes and ending on our campuses.
Levi Lusko
Levi Lusko
| Jan 2
Feast or Famine
Secondhand Sins
Does it ever feel like the generational mistakes and sins of your family are holding you back? Levi Lusko joins us to share a hopeful word about how God can use us to change our family’s story for good.
Levi Lusko
Levi Lusko
| Mar 21
Secondhand Sins
You’re No Good Samaritan
When you hear the story of the Good Samaritan, who do you see yourself as in the story? As the fourth voice in our SEVEN collection, Levi Lusko reminds us of our true place in the Kingdom of God as a people who are in desperate need of a Savior.
Levi Lusko
Levi Lusko
| Aug 16
You’re No Good Samaritan
Bunnies, Blizzards & Bedrock
“The devil doesn’t mind if you hear God’s word because he knows what you need to know. Hearing is different than doing.” What are we truly building our lives on? Power in the Holy Spirit doesn’t come simply from hearing God’s word. It comes from living out of eternal promises rooted in scripture. Hearing is different than doing! Only Jesus can handle the weight of our soul.
Levi Lusko
Levi Lusko
| Dec 31
Bunnies, Blizzards & Bedrock
I Declare War
Levi Lusko of Fresh Life Church gives us three crucial instructions for putting a line in the sand and deciding to fight for the person God intended us to be.
Levi Lusko
Levi Lusko
| Jul 7
I Declare War
No Where to Go But Up
“In the year King Uzziah died…” 52 years of strength were gone in an instant, and with their enemies gathering strength the People of God looked in the only direction they could… up. The link between tribulation and revelation is so powerful because it tells us that on our darkest day, God is up to something; and when we walk through trials here on Earth, the power of our praise is that it lifts our eyes in the same direction…up.
Levi Lusko
Levi Lusko
| Jun 3
No Where to Go But Up
Kicking the Bucket List
Levi Lusko joins us from Passion 2018, encouraging students to live with relaxed confidence knowing that God is in charge and that eternity with Him is a promise to us. He reminds us of the simplicity of our call—to live a faithful life and love Jesus infectiously.
Levi Lusko
Levi Lusko
| Jan 1
Kicking the Bucket List
Second Wind
It is an honor for God to trust you with pain. Levi Lusko encourages us today by walking through how God utilizes suffering for His glory.
Levi Lusko
Levi Lusko
| Jan 4
Second Wind