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Welcome to Call on Heaven: A 25 Day Journey of Prayer and Fasting.

It is our team’s hope that this journey and these days will prove to be formative, life-giving, and fortifying. Whether it is your first time participating in a fast or if fasting is a common spiritual practice in your life, we are glad you are here and confident God is going to use this time powerfully to draw you into a deeper relationship with Him.

Fasting is a tangible discipline to help a believer become more like Christ. It is an invitation to set something aside, often physical food, for a period of time in order to prioritize and cultivate a deeper spiritual hunger for the things of God. Fasting helps you lean closer and listen more intently for the wisdom of the Spirit, and it helps remind you that Jesus is sufficient for all your needs.

While fasting has largely been either mystified or neglected in the Western Church, it is a discipline worth pursuing by all believers. Donald Whitney writes that “Jesus expected his followers to fast,” as per his words in Matthew 6:16-17, “And when you fast…” Not to mention that Jesus Himself fasted, as seen in his 40-day fast in the wilderness immediately following his baptism. He practiced this discipline and taught his followers how to fast in accordance with the Scripture and in ways that pleased the heart of God.

Fasting is an invitation to participate in a tradition of sanctification. It is to be done on purpose and for a purpose: to strengthen prayer, to seek God’s guidance, to grieve, or to repent and return to God; to align our ways with God’s ways and our thoughts with his thoughts. Fasting is a demonstration of humility, of surrender, and of a willingness to go without so that you can gain something truly eternal and life-altering: more of God.

Throughout this 25-day journey, this resource will help you gain clarity about the essentials of fasting. We’ll give you four key themes to come around as you practice this discipline and aim to substitute something good for someone better. Each day we’ll walk you through Scripture, a short devotion, reflection questions or thoughts, and a prayer, all of which you can use to shift your focus more consistently toward God.

Richard Foster wrote that “fasting must forever be centered on God. It must be God-initiated and God-ordained… fasting reminds us that we are sustained “by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matt. 4:4). Food does not sustain us; God sustains us. In Christ.

If you are nervous about practicing this discipline, know that emotions like these are completely normal and understandable – fasting can be intimidating but we encourage you that it is also worth the challenge. So stick with the practice and allow any cravings to lead you to hunger and thirst for God.

We are eagerly expectant for how God is going to show up over the next 25 days, and we are encouraged to know that collectively, we will be seeking God with all of our hearts, our minds, our souls, and our strengths.






About this devotional

Welcome to Call on Heaven: A 25 Day Journey of Prayer and Fasting.

It is our team’s hope that this journey and these days will prove to be formative, life-giving, and fortifying. Whether it is your first time participating in a fast or if fasting is a common spiritual practice in your life, we are glad you are here and confident God is going to use this time powerfully to draw you into a deeper relationship with Him.

Fasting is a tangible discipline to help a believer become more like Christ. It is an invitation to set something aside, often physical food, for a period of time in order to prioritize and cultivate a deeper spiritual hunger for the things of God. Fasting helps you lean closer and listen more intently for the wisdom of the Spirit, and it helps remind you that Jesus is sufficient for all your needs.

While fasting has largely been either mystified or neglected in the Western Church, it is a discipline worth pursuing by all believers. Donald Whitney writes that “Jesus expected his followers to fast,” as per his words in Matthew 6:16-17, “And when you fast…” Not to mention that Jesus Himself fasted, as seen in his 40-day fast in the wilderness immediately following his baptism. He practiced this discipline and taught his followers how to fast in accordance with the Scripture and in ways that pleased the heart of God.

Fasting is an invitation to participate in a tradition of sanctification. It is to be done on purpose and for a purpose: to strengthen prayer, to seek God’s guidance, to grieve, or to repent and return to God; to align our ways with God’s ways and our thoughts with his thoughts. Fasting is a demonstration of humility, of surrender, and of a willingness to go without so that you can gain something truly eternal and life-altering: more of God.

Throughout this 25-day journey, this resource will help you gain clarity about the essentials of fasting. We’ll give you four key themes to come around as you practice this discipline and aim to substitute something good for someone better. Each day we’ll walk you through Scripture, a short devotion, reflection questions or thoughts, and a prayer, all of which you can use to shift your focus more consistently toward God.

Richard Foster wrote that “fasting must forever be centered on God. It must be God-initiated and God-ordained… fasting reminds us that we are sustained “by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matt. 4:4). Food does not sustain us; God sustains us. In Christ.

If you are nervous about practicing this discipline, know that emotions like these are completely normal and understandable – fasting can be intimidating but we encourage you that it is also worth the challenge. So stick with the practice and allow any cravings to lead you to hunger and thirst for God.

We are eagerly expectant for how God is going to show up over the next 25 days, and we are encouraged to know that collectively, we will be seeking God with all of our hearts, our minds, our souls, and our strengths.

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Call on Heaven: A 25 Day Journey of Prayer and Fasting

25-day devotional with Passion City Church


Day 02


A Hunger For God

Day 03


Deep Calls Out to Deep

Day 04


A Posture of Humble Desperation

Day 05


Show Me Your Glory

How You Can Use This Resource


Weekly Themes, Fasts, and Lengths

Throughout this four-week journey, we will be coming around our four ‘For Statements’ to guide us in what we are collectively fasting for.

Week 1 – For God

Week 2 – For People

Week 3 – For the City

Week 4 – For the World

Each week, we will collectively be focusing on one of these themes, with daily application and devotion opportunities that are aligned to lead you deeper in your pursuit. We encourage you to pick a form of fasting to practice, either for the entirety of our journey or you can practice different forms of fasting over the four weeks. An example might be:

Week 1 – Routine Fast (Choose something to substitute this week)

Week 2 – Corporate Fast (Pick a friend and choose something to limit together)

Week 3 – Common Fast (Choose one day and refrain from any food for 24 hours)

Week 4 – Celebratory Feast (Choose a day and focus on rejoicing over what God has done!)

Fasting is not just the “going without,” but it is saying ‘no’ to something to say ‘yes’ to something else.

Fasting Forms

There are a variety of ways to practice fasting, either individually or corporately, including:

Common Fast – No food or sustenance of any kind for an extended period of time* (except water)**

Partial Fast – Giving up certain kinds of foods (wheat, meats, coffee, sweets, etc.)

Corporate Fast – Committing to abstinence from something as a group.

Routine Fast – Substituting technology, social media, socializing (solitude), etc. to seek God


Fasting lengths

Single Meal – If you desire to make fasting a more consistent rhythm or if you are new to fasting as a practice, consider fasting from a single meal to seek God.

24 Hour – Traditionally speaking, food fasts last 24 hours (roughly 6p to 6p)

Multiple Day – There are many examples of multiple-day fasts in Scripture (between two and forty days)**

**If you have a health condition that would be negatively impacted by going without food and or water for a period of time, please consult with your doctor if and before you choose to participate.


Fasting Purposes

Fasts for Help

[Ezra 8:21-23; 1 Kings 17:9-16; Acts 9:9; Esther 4:16; 5:2]
In these passages, biblical figures went without food to seek God for guidance, healing, and restoration.

Fasts in Repentance

[1 Sam. 7:6; 2 Sam. 12:16; Jonah 3:5; Joel 2:12-13]
Individuals or people groups fasted in response to the humbling reality of personal or corporate sin, for the sake of life transformation.

Fasting in Mourning

[Neh. 1:4; 2 Sam. 1:12; I Samuel 31:13]
Food fasts were a common response to death, brokenness, and suffering in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Fasting in Preparation

[Luke 1:15; Matt. 4:1-11; Acts 13:3]

Fasting was implemented as an act to prepare one’s heart for the spiritual calling on their life.

Other Examples of fasting:

A fast for Leaders (Acts 14:23)
A fast for Humility (Ps. 69:10)
A fast for Mental Health (1 Kings 19:4-8)
A fast for Favor (Dan. 1:5-21)
A fast for Justice (Is. 58:6)
A fast for Worship (Lk. 2:37)


As we begin our fasting journey, we’re starting by declaring our desire to dwell in deep communion with God.

To linger in His presence and to gaze upon His beauty. The Psalmist writes in chapter 27: “One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.” We want this posture to be true of our own lives and so we’re asking God to renew within us a desire for His Name and His glory.

This week, we want our hearts to be recaptured with the awe and reverence that we have a relationship with the Creator of the Universe. That this God not only knows us, He hears us. Even further, He loves us so much that He gave us His greatest treasure: His son Jesus.

We want to dial back the noise of the world and block out any and all distractions that would deter us from fixing our whole gaze on Jesus. What could it look like to pursue God with an undivided attention this week? What Scriptures could steady your soul? What truths about His character could give you confidence for the days ahead?

Over the next few days, we’re committing to denying our usual worldly appetites, and, instead, hungering for more of God. We want to be people who are For God, and that means we need to be people who are with God. So take these days to dwell with Him. Reflect on His provision, His righteousness, and His salvation. Call out to Him, humble yourself before Him. He is near and calling out to you. He desires to be deeply known by you, and He is able to satisfy everyone who hungers and thirsts for Him.

This week, consider denying yourself a form of distraction. For some, it might be a phone or a tablet. It might be that TV show you’ve been binging to start the year or the social media app that leads to mindless scrolling. Consider a Surrender Fast, something to put aside so that you can press more fully and intentionally into time with God.

Define your exchange:

This week, I am going to deny myself: ____

This week, I am hoping to enjoy more of God’s (choose a characteristic): ____

As we embark on this journey together, start by watching this message from Ben Stuart as he explains why we are undertaking this journey. Be sure to take notes or journal about it afterward so that you are actively engaging with the content and not just passively listening to it.  


“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”
Matthew 5:6


When was the last time you described your heart posture as “hungry” for the things of God – where you were waking up early to spend time with Him or actively setting aside time to commune with Him throughout your day?

When was the last time His words were central to your thoughts and behaviors? If we are not careful, the ways of the world can crowd in on our walk with God, so take today to pause and restate your heart’s desire. Tell God that you want to be filled by Him and that you want Him to increase your hunger for His glory and His righteousness.

Reflect + Apply:

Ask God in your own words to deepen your affection for Him. Tell Him how you want to love Him more and ask for His help to clear out any distractions.


Pray that God would draw you close and stir up the desire to know Him more deeply.

Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.
Psalm 42:7


Deep waters can be intimidating because they are uncertain, yet God desires for us to intentionally seek Him at a sacred depth.

Our days are often spent at the surface level, navigating obsessions, temptations, and distractions. But what if we consider standing on the shore of the ocean of grace and listening to God’s voice wash over us as waves of peace? Today, shut off the outside noise and the ordinary “hustle-and-bustle” narrative and dive into the profound promises of God. Ask Him for the strength to silence the world and a hunger to feast in His presence.

Reflect + Apply:

Read Psalm 42 out loud and reflect on one or two phrases that resonate with the deep things of God.


Pray today for increased intimacy with God. Pray that you would be able to see the ways He is working all around you.

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.
1 Peter 5:6


In Peter’s time and in this Scripture, the Church was bracing for the impact of persecution.

They feared mistreatment and were called to find hope in God’s perfect justice. While you may not be facing the same trials today, God’s ability to sustain you, provide for you and deliver you still applies. When we bring God’s limitless abilities into view, it frees us from the grip of our fears and anxieties about the future. Peter knew this to be true and challenges followers of Jesus to this day to humble themselves under the reality that: “the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you” (1 Pet. 5:10).

Reflect / Apply:

One of the most practical ways we can “humble ourselves” is through fasting (1 Kings 21:27-29). What gets in the way of you pursuing humility before God? Write out a few things and ask the Lord to help you surrender those things to Him.


Tell God all the ways you are dependent on Him. Speak your concerns, anxieties, and fears to Him. Ask Him to guard your heart and mind.

Then Moses said, “Now show me your glory.”
Exodus 33:18


Show me your glory. This was the ask Moses laid before God.

He saw the Red Sea part and he ate the manna provided by God. He was led by a pillar of cloud by day and fire that lit up the night sky. He met with God, yet he desired more. What if God found us with that posture today….asking, seeking, desiring more of Him? Moses only saw a glimpse, and yet God continued to reveal Himself. We’ve seen God’s glory more fully as we have a covenant-keeping God who gave us Jesus. And yet the desire remains…. God, would you show us your glory? 

Reflect + Apply:

Read Isaiah 6:1-7 and make space today to reflect on God’s glory and His unmatched character and nature. Write down something that stands out to you from this passage.


Pray to God that your heart would be captivated by the glory of God. That His uniqueness and character would be appealing to you so that you would want to know Him more.

Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
Psalm 51:12


As we continue on our fasting journey, we’re nearing the end of the first week and this focus on becoming more attuned to God, being For God and the things that matter to Him.

At the top of that list is the work of salvation by the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, for the sins of the world. But for some of us, our salvation can become a thing that happened a while back. A rich moment in history, but just that – history. And yet, God never intended for something so radically significant to just be another footnote in your story. It is THE story. It is God’s work IN you – moving you from death to life in Him. Hallelujah! As we close this week, ask God to restore in your heart the joy of His salvation. 

Reflect + Apply:

List out 5 reasons you are thankful for God’s salvation today.


Pray a prayer of gratitude for all the ways that God’s grace has changed your life. Tell Him how much you appreciate His provision and protection.

“I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”
Matthew 26:29

Give God thanks today. Let praise be on your tongue. Sing a song of worship for the steadfast love of the Lord that never fails.

If possible, create the margin to slow down your pace today. It’s hard to enjoy something that you’re rushing through. So breathe deeply. Savor your moments. Let joy rise in your heart as you remember today is another demonstration of God’s mercy and grace on the journey towards that great banquet, the ending of all endings – eternity with Jesus.

Hopefully, by now, you have established this day (or another) as a day to rest and reflect on the goodness of God in your life. If not, take a moment to create a non-negotiable space in your calendar to tune out, breathe, and do something to help you enjoy God and His world – like sharing a meal with friends!

As followers of Jesus, we are For People This means we walk with people through the highlights of life as well as through the valleys.

This is the call and identity of Jesus’ Church: to be a family, a body, a blessing, and a people of support in a turbulent and broken world (Eph. 2:11-22; 4:1-3).

The Church is the gathered people of God. It is one “body” but it is made up of individuals. You, as a uniquely designed and equipped ambassador of God, have a role to play and a gift to contribute. You are meant to encourage, love, and celebrate the community of believers you belong to, and as you do, the Church shifts from a place you go to a family to which you belong. When you transition from treating church as something you attend to something you personally belong and contribute to, you step into the community and worship God had in mind for His people.

This week, we are going to be the church by building community through a Corporate Fast. It is in and through relationships that our community becomes our family, so we are taking a step together this week. Think of a Partial or Surrender Fast – perhaps even continuing the same fast from Week 1 – but this time invite one or two friends to join you in your fast. As you commit to pursuing after God together, share your prayer requests and heart’s desire with each other and commit to praying for each other.

As you step into this week, know that God is working in you to shape you into the person of Christ. One of His primary means to this end is community – His Church. This is why the Proverb writer could say, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (Prov. 27:17). By sowing into your relationships and blessing your friends and family, you invest in your own spiritual development and open up your life to the transformative blessing of rich, Godly community (Heb. 10:24-25; Gal. 6:2).



For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.
Ephesians 2:14


In the early Church, there was major division between Jews and non-Jewish people.

The Apostle Paul called the Jewish people to lay down their hostility and acknowledge Jesus’ reconciling act on the cross. He goes on to describe the Church as a “body” in multiple passages, using this analogy to point to the illogical nature of division. No member can call another lesser or unnecessary if we are a body. Instead, we are to function like a body, benefiting and complimenting every unique part and function.

That is why today, the Church must prioritize unity. We are in a spiritual battle against an enemy whom Scripture describes as “prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” He works through disunity and division, so we must aim, with the help of the Spirit, to live as peacemakers. May we live out the truth that we are “one body,” united by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Reflect + Apply:

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.” As we reflect on the life and cause of Dr. King today, ask God to weed out any root of divisiveness that is breeding hostility in your relationships.


Pray for a heart that desires unity. Ask that God would show you tangible steps to take today to prioritize becoming a peace-maker.

Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.
James. 5:13-14


This text shows us that life involves numerous emotional states and that God desires for us to involve Him in whichever feeling we are experiencing.

The response to our every season of life should include God – celebration or sorrow. This passage also communicates that followers of Jesus should involve others in their lives and experiences. In another place, Scripture says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep” (Rom. 12:15). Let this principle of availability serve as a reminder to know your people but also to be known by your people.

Reflect + Apply:

It can be easy to just say the words, “I’ll be praying for you.” Break that habit today by actually texting a friend a prayer over a circumstance or situation that they are in, especially if they are believing for physical healing.


Pray for the healing touch of God today, either for yourself or for someone you know is hurting. Ask that God would bolster your faith by His powerful mercy.

So that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.
Philippians 1:10


One of the primary purposes of fasting is to pursue discernment.

We make hundreds of choices every day, some big and some small. To do that well, we need wisdom to live in step with God’s Spirit. And it’s not just we ourselves who could use guidance; there are people around you who need help making hard decisions. Spend a few moments today asking God specifically for increased discernment for you and for those in your sphere. Ask that God would guide, direct, and shepherd His people so that as we continue on this journey, we would grow to be pure and blameless before Jesus.

Reflect + Apply:

Tell God what you need wisdom or discernment for. Ask God for what you want the outcome to be. Submit your plans and desires to His authority.


Ask God for more wisdom - wisdom to make better decisions, to think well, to listen to others with a discerning heart. Ask for more moment-by-moment guidance from the Holy Spirit.

Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved.
Romans 10:1


The Apostle Paul, an Israelite himself, longed for his brothers and sisters to know Jesus.

Why? Because he hadn’t forgotten what it was like to be lost. Because he knew the weight of salvation and that it was found in Christ Jesus alone. Are you, like Paul, burdened for your people who don’t yet know Jesus, that they would experience the true freedom found in Christ? Is your heart’s desire that this person be saved? If it is, stay steady and faithful in prayer and fasting. If it’s not, be challenged today to grieve for those who are lost. Let it be your heart’s desire to see people go from death to life.

Reflect + Apply:

Think of someone specifically who has yet to place their trust in Jesus. Write their name below and commit to praying for that person on a consistent basis. If no one comes to your mind, ask God to put an opportunity for this relationship in your path.



Go to God and pray on behalf of someone who doesn’t yet know Him. Ask for their salvation, and that by God’s mercy, they would be born again into the family of God.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25


Do you know where the most enthusiastic fans in the world are located?

Together. Something happens when people with similar passions for music, a sports team, or a public figure gather. The Bible calls this kind of camaraderie a “spurring on” and “encouragement” toward a common mission. Just as in any setting of solidarity, the Church benefits by gathering in unification, inspiration, and activity. According to this Scripture, the Church’s ability to spur on and encourage one another is contingent upon “meeting together.” Therefore, may we be a people and a church committed to gathering as we collectively pursue becoming more like Jesus.

Reflect + Apply:

Reach out to someone you know isn’t going to gather with a church this coming Sunday and invite them to join you.

Send an encouraging message to the person you are fasting alongside. Share with them how they have helped strengthen and influence your faith. Find joy in building up someone else.


Ask God to help you grow in intentional and deep community. Pray that He would point your heart to those whom you can build up and invest in, as well as to those who can pursue you similarly.

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
Acts 2:42

If possible, choose to make space this weekend to slow down and enjoy a good meal in the presence of other believers. There is something powerful that happens when friends gather together around a table.

When we break bread together, we “fellowship” and experience “close association.” In an increasingly individualistic society, our souls crave and need this kind of community-formation. Not to mention, it was God’s intention for the activity of the Church. For the sake of a life-giving community, let us be a people who regularly gather together.

If you desire the community described in this Scripture, but you are missing the relationships required to embrace these practices, we want to encourage you to come to an upcoming Sunday gathering, as the Church is the place you are most likely to find these kinds of relationships.

From the Old Testament prophets to the New Testament preachers, cities mattered.

Abraham sojourned through Haran, Shechem, and Bethel. Paul preached in Ephesus and Rome. In fact, Jesus was born in the City of David, Bethlehem. He was raised surrounded by family in Nazareth, and He lived in community with His disciples in Capernaum. Furthermore, He charged His followers in Acts 1:8 to be witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth. Clearly, communities and cities were significant because God knew this is where we root, cultivate, and grow. God is For The City. Because of this, He is eager to see His glory known throughout each and every city.

We have already traversed through weeks one and two, and hopefully, you have seen strengthening come to your spiritual muscles of prayer, meditation, and fasting. This is a great time to consider a Common (food) Fast* in order to allow our bodies to prompt us to pray. 

This week let us set our heart on collectively lifting up our communities. Our cities consist of workplaces, schools, restaurants, and neighborhoods — familiar places where we do life, and God wants us to put these people and places before Him.

If this form of fasting is new for you, create a plan and prepare your heart and mind. Here are several suggestions to help you take the first step. Start small — begin with one or two meals or, if you are up for a challenge, fast for 24 hours. Identify prayer points — be specific with who and what you are petitioning. Dwell on the Lord and not the lack — focus less on your flesh and more on the presence of God. Christian fasting strives to take our hunger pains and transpose them into a holy anthem, whether it’s longing for a closer walk with Jesus, or pleading for someone’s salvation, or fighting for revival in your city.

*As previously mentioned, if your health would be negatively impacted by fasting from food and or water for a period of time, please consult with your doctor before participating.


For this reason, I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name.
Ephesians 3:14-15


We typically link our identity with a family name from our parents or a spouse.

However, family identity in Christ has deeper roots. In Scripture, the Church is a family – brothers and sisters in Christ and under God the Father. Paul time and again tells us that we are chosen and adopted (Eph. 1:4-5), we are heirs to an inheritance (Eph. 1:14), and we are members of God’s household (Eph. 2:19). Because of this, we are called to pray for, love and care for the Church like a family.

As a follower of Jesus, you have family in and through your church, across your city, and around the world. How amazing is that! Take a moment today to think about and pray for our Church family in the city – both in and outside Passion City Church – and let this serve as a reminder that you are part of the global Church, the family of God.

Reflect + Apply:

Read the rest of this passage and write down three things the Apostle Paul prayed for regarding the brothers and sisters in Christ who were in the city of Ephesus (Eph. 3:16-21).


Pray for another church in your city today; that God would strengthen them and further reveal to them the depths of Jesus’ love for them.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14


Everywhere we turn it may look like culture and chaos are winning, but God is greater.

We are His chosen people and He beckons us to act. We must humble ourselves, pray, seek, and turn. Humbling and turning go hand in hand. In submitting our wants and worries to Him, we turn in humility. In essence, we lay ourselves on the altar and surrender. Then we pray and seek His face. We intentionally set our gaze on Him. This conditional statement brings about a threefold blessing. Our posture and pursuit prompts God to hear, forgive, and heal. 

As His chosen, we humbly turn from our ways and surrender to His will. As His children, we pray for revival to overflow in our families, neighborhoods, and cities. As you fast, know that God accomplishes His sovereign purposes in concert with your humility and prayers. 

Reflect + Apply:

What are three ways you can actively love your neighbors and/or your neighborhood today?



Pray big prayers today - ask that God would change your neighborhood, community, and city. Pray that a hunger for God would rise and that an unexplainable passion for His word would emerge.

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
1 Timothy 2:1-2


There is no position of leadership or person in authority on planet Earth that God is unaware of.

The Scriptures say that God “removes kings and sets up kings” (Daniel 2:21). If we are fasting this week to seek God’s heart for our cities, then one of our greatest responsibilities as the people of God is to pray and contend for the leaders within our cities. For local governments. For business leaders. Church leaders. For all those who are in authority. Ask God today to encourage them, strengthen them, correct them, and guide them. At the end of the day, who are we to complain about those we are unwilling to pray for?

Reflect + Apply:

Who is one leader in your city that you could commit to praying for over the next few days? 


Pray for your city leaders today. Pray for our President. Pray for your Governor, for your Mayor, City Council or other elected officials. Pray for business leaders and for their families that God would go before them.

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.
Psalm 108:5


As a follower of Jesus, you have a new identity that cannot be veiled.

God is at work in you and your life gets to display and magnify Him. And the best news is that the same power at work within you, He is also spreading throughout countless lives all across your city. Imagine thousands of little lights linked together, collectively illuminating your city with the glory of God. As people who long for revival in our city, would we realize that we have a role to play! We get to exalt God. We get to make much of Him among our neighbors and co-workers. What a privilege! On every block and in every neighborhood, we want to see salvation come. 

Reflect + Apply:

As you go throughout your day, find an opportunity to make much of God. Tell someone a Jesus story. Tell them of His goodness and what you’ve witnessed. It doesn’t have to be your full testimony, simply exalt God. Make much of Him today! 


Ask God to give you an opportunity today to tell someone about the amazing things He has done in your life.

You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
Matthew 5:14


God is actively inviting His people to carry His light and reflect His glory into every street, home, neighborhood, and office building.

He is not casually content to let darkness claim a square inch of this city – that’s why He’s placed you where you are, to shine brightly as you display His gracious love and mighty power. As we wind down this week of fasting For the City, ask that God would help you see your city as He sees it; that His Spirit would burden your heart to further explore the ways that His light in you could push back that darkness. You can start small, but you can’t stay hidden. 

Reflect + Apply:

The next time you are driving in your city, consider turning off the music and taking a step towards being For the City by praying over your city as you drive.


Ask God to deepen your compassion for your city today. That His Spirit would more frequently move your heart to love and pray for your city.

And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
Matthew 16:18


Reflect on how God plants churches in cities.

He intentionally wants us to be the light of the world, a city on a hill, but we cannot do that apart from His strength and power in our lives. 

As you set out to “shine His light,” make sure you are carving out time to abide in his love. Your abiding will fuel your shining and will empower you to continue fasting and praying for your leaders, your neighbors, and the churches of your city to see and savor the goodness and grace of God. 

From beginning to end, the Scriptures show us how deeply God cares about all nations and all people.

Even in one of the most famous verses, John 3:16, the text starts by saying that God so loved the world. Because God is For The World, we too must follow His example and aspire to be people who are For The World

As you are completing this fasting journey, we encourage you to finish strong and fix your gaze on Jesus!  Would you petition Him for the nations and for His church around the world to thrive in the face of what is often difficult circumstances?

We don’t know what ways the Kingdom will expand as a result of our obedience, but we do know that the Church will not be overcome by the darkness, and that at the end of the day, “every knee [will] bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue [will] acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil. 2:10:-11).

As you end your journey, don’t forget to recognize and celebrate what God has done over the last few weeks. He has likely moved in significant ways in your life so consider participating in a celebratory feast [choose a day and focus on rejoicing over what God has done]. If you feel comfortable, share with someone close to you one of the things that God has put on your heart throughout this journey. 


Biblically speaking, Feasting is an important component in the practice of fasting. After we conclude our fast, we are meant to celebrate our God who we can pursue and know. We are meant to feast in joy and adoration for the ways that God works in our lives (John 2:23; 7:2; 10:22; 13:1).

Since Jesus modeled both feasting and fasting, as followers of Jesus, we practice what was modeled and what is to come in the feasts of heaven (Is. 25:6-8; Rev. 19:7-9). In the midst of your fasting, remember to plan and make space for feasting!


And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:7


Paul wanted the church at Philippi to see that the authority of God reigns above the chaos of this world.

You don’t have to look hard today to know that things aren’t as they are supposed to be. From natural disasters to humanitarian crises, to wars and oppression, things are broken. But thanks be to God that peace beyond understanding is available for every Jesus follower around the world. 

How does that peace come? Often through disciplines like fasting and prayer – through intentional dependency and focused faithfulness. In your fasting today, ask that God would empower His people all over the world. Ask Him to give abundant peace and comfort regardless of the circumstances they find themselves in.

Reflect + Apply:

We won’t escape conflict until Jesus comes again. But God has invited us to find our source of peace in Him, and to petition Him on behalf of others. Write out 2-3 prayers for believers around the world.

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
Isaiah 43:19


Do you ever wish for a turn in life? A new chapter? A fresh start or a shift to your circumstances?

God, through the prophet Isaiah, communicates good news to the people of Israel: He is initiating the change they longed to see. While in a desert of captivity, God promised to make a way of deliverance.

The same God who accomplished this mighty feat is on your side today. He defeated the armies of Egypt, confounded the authorities of Babylon, conquered the powers of sin and death, and He continues to reverse stories and deliver people to this day. Walk in confidence today knowing you serve a God with a busy history of liberation.

Reflect + Apply:
Is there something you want to see God deliver you or your family from – something you desire to see Him reverse? Write it as a prayer below and know He is capable!


Praise God for His ability to deliver His people from darkness. Praise Him for faithfulness and ask God for a specific type of deliverance, for you or someone else.

After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.
Revelation 7:9


As we conclude this fasting journey, it’s helpful to remember, especially in the moments of confusion or doubt or disappointment, that we already know the end of the story.

We’ve been given a snapshot of what is to come, namely that an uncountable multitude from every corner of planet Earth will worship Jesus for His sacrifice and resurrection. There are two amazing truths to realize from this reality: (1) that you are in that multitude. Your story matters. Your place is secured. And (2) the multitude is uncountable. God is For the World. He is drawing all kinds of people to Himself. He’s not operating on limited scales. He is working globally in thousands of unique, tangible ways. If you need help believing that God is strong enough to lead, sustain, or shepherd you, consider zooming out and meditating on His purposed power to love the uncountable multitude.

Reflect + Apply:

Reflect on what that moment will feel like when every nation, tribe, people and language are before the throne in worship. What will your heart feel on that day and how can that coming joy shift your current reality?


Worship God in your prayer today that there is a final victory coming. Let your heart tell Him how much you are longing for that reality of eternal joy and life with Him.

Next Day

Passion City Church Content created by the team at Passion City Church. Passion City Church is a Jesus Church. A small tribe of His followers connected by our common faith and a deep desire to see our city [and the world] come to know His power and beauty. We are not perfect. But Jesus is. Thankfully, we are a Jesus Church.

Our House: A 5-Day Prayer for the Local Church

5-day devotional with Passion Publishing

Day 02


On This Rock

Day 03


An Open Door

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Transforming Submission

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Purposefully Running


The Climb (A Journey Through Psalms for Men)

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God is our Refuge

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God is Faithful

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God is our Relief

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God is our Light

Day 02


The Story of Us

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Paradise in a Garbage Dump

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When Dreams Are Dashed

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Never Too Late