What Matters in the End
When you study the history of the early church, it is impossible to ignore the way they radically shifted the culture around them. As we continue through 1 Thessalonians, Ben Stuart shows us how this community changed the world by setting their priorities on the things that matter most.
Ben Stuart
Ben Stuart
| Feb 7
What Matters in the End
7 Attributes of a Godly Leader
As trust for authority figures continues to erode in our culture, what are the essential characteristics that we should look for in good spiritual leaders? Continuing in our series through 1 Thessalonians, Ben Stuart identifies seven crucial attributes that Paul uses to describe a Christian leader and challenges us to embody them in every facet of our lives.
Ben Stuart
Ben Stuart
| Jan 29
7 Attributes of a Godly Leader
Kill Your Idols
When we remove God from the center of our lives, we all fill the void with a lesser thing in our search for meaning. As we continue in our new series, Ben Stuart looks at Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians and explores what it means for us to turn away from the idols we have constructed in our lives and fix our gaze on Jesus.
Ben Stuart
Ben Stuart
| Jan 22
Kill Your Idols
Signs That You’re Saved
“Before we explore what a Christian does, we have to understand what a Christian is.” As we continue in our new series in 1 Thessalonians, Ben Stuart breaks down Paul’s introduction to the letter and examines a few of the defining characteristics of Christians, and how those traits are meant to encourage us in uncertain times.
Ben Stuart
Ben Stuart
| Jan 15
Signs That You’re Saved
Your Setting Shapes Your Story
As we kick off a series through 1 Thessalonians, Ben Stuart introduces us to the context in which the letter was written and shows us how Paul’s words to the church in Thessalonica can still encourage us today.
Ben Stuart
Ben Stuart
| Jan 8
Your Setting Shapes Your Story
Christ and Your Career
How does a relationship with Christ impact your career? As we continue through 1 Thessalonians, Ben Stuart hones in on some of Paul’s practical implications for our faith and how they play out in everyday life. If we are meant to love the Lord and love our neighbors, what does it look like within the context of our jobs?
Ben Stuart
Ben Stuart
| Feb 19
Christ and Your Career
Humility & Honor
In an increasingly divided world, how can the church display a unified culture that is worthy of the cause of Jesus? As we continue in our series through 1 Thessalonians, Paul offers the church a framework for unity: servant leaders and supportive followers. We are excited to be led through this 1 Thessalonians passage by Jacob Harkey.
Jacob Harkey
Jacob Harkey
| Feb 26
Humility & Honor
The End of the World Pt. 1: The Coming of Christ
Ben Stuart is back as we continue through 1 Thessalonians! Ben Stuart shows us some of the major implications that the future coming of Jesus has for how we live and grieve in the present. Because of the resurrection, we have a confident hope that one day he will return and make things right!
Ben Stuart
Ben Stuart
| Mar 5
The End of the World Pt. 1: The Coming of Christ
The Ideal Community
When it comes to the church, many of us imagine an idealized version of what a community should be like. But reality can be messy and difficult. As we study through 1 Thessalonians, Paul gives the church some guidance and encouragement on how to care for one another in a way that points back to Jesus.
Landon Lacy
Landon Lacy
| Mar 13
The Ideal Community
The End of the World Pt. 2: The Day of The Lord
What should we think about the end of the world? This week, Ben Stuart picks up where he left off two weeks ago. He looks at Paul’s encouragement for the church regarding the end times and gives us a perspective-changing message about how it should impact our lives.
Ben Stuart
Ben Stuart
| Mar 20
The End of the World Pt. 2: The Day of The Lord
What is God’s Will for My Life?
As we approach the end of 1 Thessalonians, Paul offers the church three directives on how to live according to the will of God: rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances. But if we want the power to be able to live our lives this way, we need a great perspective of God and his providence. We are excited to be led through this passage by Thomas Barr!
Thomas Barr
Thomas Barr
| Mar 26
What is God’s Will for My Life?
Don’t Quench the Spirit
As we wrap up our series in 1 Thessalonians, Ben Stuart examines Paul’s final instructions for the church in Thessalonica about the Holy Spirit and reminds us that the church isn’t just an organization: it’s a spiritual movement. If the Spirit of God is moving in us, it will make us different than the rest of the world.
Ben Stuart
Ben Stuart
| Apr 2
Don’t Quench the Spirit