Rest & War
We are currently in a war where our King has won the decisive victory. How can we both fight in this war and rest in the confidence we have in Him as our Savior? Ben Stuart shares a message on Rest & War, reading from James 1.
You’ve Been Fought For
We have not been set free FROM the fight. We have been set free FOR the fight. Ben Stuart shows us how Jesus came as a conquering king on a mission to destroy the works of the enemy and set the captives free, and explains what that means for us as we struggle with sin in our lives.
Struggle Well
Jesus’ decisive victory against the enemy has freed us up for the fight against sin in our lives. So how can we struggle well? Because of what Jesus has done, we are able to be victors instead of victims. But first, we have to shift our perspective on how to struggle against temptation. What does it look like for the followers of Jesus to have our beliefs shape our behaviors instead of chasing after the temptations and desires of the world?
The Proper Pursuit
God calls us to make a difference with the life He gave us. How do we create an environment where we can flourish under God? Ben Stuart explains to us how God creates structure in Genesis so that life can flourish, and then shows us different ways that we can cultivate healthy structure in our lives to allow our relationship with God to flourish as well.
Counterfeit Spirituality
Spirituality is not conformity to morality for the sake of acceptance. It’s a pursuit of intimacy with the God who accepted us. Ben Stuart brings a crucial message about what true spirituality looks like. Spirituality is not about doing a list of things to be good, it’s about belonging to God. And the more we pursue God, the more we become like Him.