Restoring What’s Been Lost in a Global Crisis
Since the national crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic has officially come to an end in the United States, Louie takes this talk to celebrate God’s provision, faithfulness, and teaching through the years of hardship and mental assault.
Come Out Of The Tomb
Louie Giglio directs listeners to the story of Lazarus to draw multiple truths from Scripture about the goodness of God in times of suffering. Our suffering is real, and God is perfectly empathetic toward it, but our present suffering is happening in the context of God’s great, overarching plan.
Awake at the Dawn of the End of Time*
Louie Giglio directs listeners to the character the post-pandemic Church is called to adopt. The character of the post-pandemic Church should be the same as that of the Church before the pandemic, however, it is often after seasons like these that the people of God most need their reminder as to how they are called to live.