
Here It Is (I Worship You)

Passion Music
Passion Music
March 10, 2023


One of the wildest stories in the Bible is the story of Abraham and Isaac. In Genesis 22, God instructs Abraham to sacrifice his only son as a burnt offering. Reading this should stop us in our tracks. It might even feel intense and stir up a lot of questions. Why would God require such a thing from Abraham? What was this exercise all about? And if you’re a parent, it might affect you in an even more personal way, making your heart beat a little faster. These questions carry a lot of weight, so how would we respond to such an ask?

We see in Genesis 22: 1-3 how Abraham responded… “Sometime later, God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!”

“Here I am,” he replied.

Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”

Early the next morning, Abraham got up and loaded his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for the place God had told him about.”

God’s ask and Abraham’s obedience happen in three verses. God instructs, and Abraham moves into action. He wakes up early and gets going. Ultimately, Abraham does not end up sacrificing Isaac. God provides a ram at the last second and Isaac’s life is spared. The point is that Abraham trusted God and loved Him most of all. He was willing to put the most important thing in his life on the altar if that’s what God was asking of him.

Today, the sacrifice of praise that God wants most of all is our heart. That innermost part of who we are. That place where our hopes, dreams, desires, and affections reside. There is a throne there. Who or what is on that throne?

God asked for the most treasured thing in Abraham’s life, and Abraham answered, “Here

it is.”

He’s asking you and me the same question. What will our answer be?


Lord, I long to bring an offering

But I don't know where to start

All I have is on the table

I won't hold back a single part

Sometimes I cannot find the language

Sometimes I'm at a loss for words

I just want to give You something

To let You know that You're still first

Yes, You are

And I, I worship You

And I, I worship You

You're the one I love

You're the one I choose

And I, I worship You

Life is full of many seasons

I've felt the shadow and the sun

But through the feast and through the famine

This is my song in every one

Yes, Lord

I, I worship You

Lord, I, I worship You

You're the one I love

You're the one I choose

Yes, I, I worship You

Jesus, You

Lord Jesus

I worship You

Yes, Lord

If all You ever wanted was my heart

Here it is, here it is

I lay it all on the altar

Lord, every part

If all You ever wanted was my heart

Here it is, here it is

I lay it all on the altar

If all You ever wanted was my heart

Then here it is, here it is

I lay it all on the altar

Over and over, God

If all You ever wanted was my heart

Then here it is, here it is

I lay it all on the altar

And I, I worship You

Yes, Lord, I, I worship You

You're the one I love

You're the one I choose

Yes, I, I worship You

You're the one I love

You're the one I choose

And I, I worship You