In week two of the collection, “Anchors,” Ben Stuart focuses on the glory of God and how it is tangible in the greater narrative of our lives. All of us ask why questions, but God gives us the overarching and the detailed answer: Himself. Join us as we search the Scripture and begin to understand why we love and are anchored in His glory.
Key Takeaway
God is the most valuable thing we could ask for and He gives us Himself.
As our society is defining itself as having no religious affiliation more and more, we are witnessing atheism, leading to a rise of nihilism and meaninglessness. If we remove God as the organizing principle, it's like the solar system without the sun. We're feeling the loss of a grand narrative that ties our lives together and gives us purpose. We have tried to put ourselves at the center and have ended up as the saddest generation. Removing God as the center didn't make everyone agree; it caused more division because we lost our organizing principle in the narrative. We can't define anything. Anchors keep us steady. Our un-mooring of a belief in God has not led to freedom. It has led us to danger.
1) The longing of "why"
We need a compelling "why." To know our why, we have to look at the Creator's intent.
Even academics and secularists are starting to see there is meaning to the morality of the Christian system. Our river has a fountain.
2) The "why" itself
- Why creation? Why does anything exist? (Psalm 19:1, Romans 1:19)
- As we see the art, we get to know the Artist. We are meant to see Him through what He has made. Creation declares the glory of God. Genesis 1:28 says we are made in the image of God. Isaiah 43:7 speaks that we've been created for His glory like a prized piece of art. We are made to enjoy the glory of God. The Hebrew word for glory is "kabod" meaning weight, heavy, of substance. In that is an inherent and internal excellence. It can also be something He expresses. So He doesn't just possess creativity, He expresses it by displaying it. Intrinsically, it is meant to be perceived and appreciated. So when we are talking about His glory, we're talking about it's excellence and beauty, radiated and displayed, and perceived and enjoyed.
- Every movement throughout the Bible tells of God's intent. Every time humanity went astray, He saved them. He saves us to make His power known. Exodus 14:18 proves He saves us so others may come to know Him. Deuteronomy 8 says He blessed us so we praise Him. Deuteronomy 4:7 talks about giving us good laws so other nations would see it and then come to know God. In Luke 2:14, as soon as Jesus is born the angels sing, "Glory to God in the highest!" Isaiah 61:1-3 is makes clear that Jesus came to bless us by the Father's might for His glory. Jesus introduces Himself in John 7:18 as the One who seeks the glory of Him who sent Him. John 12 talks about how Jesus went to the Cross to glorify the Father's name.
- How does it glorify God?
- Ephesians 2:4 says Jesus took our sin, buried it and died the death we deserve allowing God to bring justice and be the justifier to rescue people. In the ages to come, He'll show the surpassing riches of the grace and kindness to us. We were saved for the praise of the glory of this grace. Eternity is about God getting glory by displaying the richness of His kindness and mercy towards us.
- Why create a Church?
- 1 Peter 2:9. We exist to praise God so that others may know they can be pulled out of darkness and into light.
- Why be moral?
- 1 Peter 2:12. So that when the nations see our good deeds, they don't praise you, they looks towards a holy and loving God. The way you live your life forces them to take God seriously. See 1 Corinthians 10:31.
3) Why this "why?"
- Because of truth and grace,
- God makes Himself the center of all things because He's true. He's honest. He looks at reality and knows He's the most valuable thing. It's objective. He's beautiful and lovely so all that we see that we value is an emanation of His glory.
- He's also loving and wants to give us valuable things. He wants to love us ultimately, which means He wants to give you the ultimate, which would be the things that create the valuable things. What's the best thing He can give you? Himself. That's why the greatest command is to love Him with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.
When you enjoy something, you praise it. Joy does not reach its consummation until it's expressed. So God is loving towards you and me when He says we are made for His glory, to see, enjoy, and praise it. There is a necessity of awe.
Discussion Questions
- What does atheism lead to? Why do you think so many people define themselves today as having no religious affiliation?
- How have you seen meaninglessness and sadness plague this current generation?
- What happens when society tries to remove God as the organizing principle?
- What is the Christian's compelling "why?"
- Just like we get to know the artist through the art they create, how do we get to know God as His creation?
- What is our purpose according to Isaiah 43:7?
- Why did God save His people every time they went astray? Why did he give us laws? See Deuteronomy 4:7, Deuteronomy 8.
- What did the angels sing in Luke 2:14 when Jesus was born? How did Jesus introduce Himself in John 7:18?
- Why did God create the Church? See 1 Peter 2:9.
- When you enjoy something, you praise it. How are you expressing your joy in the glory of God?
Scripture References