If we believe the Gospel is true, are we living a life that honors it and boldly proclaiming the Good News to a desperate world that needs it? Dan Watson focuses on what God wants to see in us and then leads us to eight takeaways following the question, “Where do I go from here?”
Paul was desperate to go to the city of Damascus in the book of Acts. Why?
1.) The Lord had asked.
2.) He needed to see.
Do we wake up desperate for God?
We were made for so much more. God has called us to go, and there is more that He wants us to see. He wants to use us, and He has chosen us to do a good work.
What does God want us to see?
1.) Our life has been completely transformed.
Some of us may only see a dent in our life from Christ, but we need to understand that we used to be dead in our transgressions, and we are now alive in Christ, radically transformed by His great love for us. Being "good" didn't save us—His gift of salvation did.
2.) Our life is not our own.
God is in the business of using people. He doesn't just save us, He calls us, not just the people working in ministry.
"The greatest issue facing the world today, with all its heartbreaking needs, is whether those who, by profession or culture, are identified as 'Christians' will become disciples—students, apprentices, practitioners—of Jesus Christ, steadily learning from Him how to live the life of the Kingdom of the Heavens into every corner of human existence."
3.) Our mission is to proclaim.
Proclaim - to announce something officially and publicly. To declare something you believe is of importance. The first thing Paul did after he was baptized was to proclaim the Good News. He tells people how His life has been transformed by God.
"We don't believe something by merely saying we believe it, or even when we believe that we believe it. We believe something, when we act as if it were true." - Dallas Willard.
If the Good News truly transforms us, we will live it out to the fullest, telling others about it.
Where do we go from here?
1.) We get comfortable in the uncomfortable.
2.) We offer up the invitation.
3.) We walk with people.
4.) We demonstrate love to our world the way Scripture encourages.
5.) We lead by serving others.
6.) We believe what we say and we believe what we live.
7.) We never stop calling on heaven.
8.) We worship with everything—with all of our breath, heart, and soul.
Discussion Questions
- Do you wake up desperate for God? How far into your morning do you get before you think about or communicate with God?
- Do you believe that you were chosen by God for a purpose? Why or why not?
- Has your life been radically transformed by God? How?
- Do you ever forget that salvation is a gift and not something we could ever work to earn?
- Have you ever thought that God only uses the people he calls to vocational ministry? How has this message challenged you to rewire your thinking to understand that God can choose anyone in any profession to proclaim the Good News?
- How do you fare with telling others about Jesus? Is this a difficult or easy for you?
- What are some practical ways that you can share the Gospel with those around you?
- How do you feel knowing that oftentimes, God calls us to discomfort?
- Do you have people you're walking alongside currently?
- How can you seek community in this season?
Scripture References