In this talk, Brad Jones emphasizes how Jesus has the power to transform us so that we can go and tell people about what He has done.
Key Takeaway
The key that unlocks the most doors of opportunities to share the Gospel, is when people can see there's something different about us. It's the power of a transformed life.
If we aren't careful, we can grow numb to the Good News.
How can you share the news?
Have you received the news?
Are you embracing the news?
1. Jesus travels with Good News. (Luke 8:1-3, Luke 8:26, John 3:16-17)
The location Jesus sent them was geographically close, but it was also worlds apart culturally. Are we willing to step out of our comfort zone to get to a group of people who do not know Jesus to deliver the Good News?
Telling others about the Good News was a pattern and a priority of Jesus—He was intentional, He put in the effort, and He pursued others to follow Him.
2. Jesus can do for you what no one else (including you) can do for you. (Luke 8:27-31)
This man was in a desperate situation—facing shame, loss, and heartbreak. He lost control and it caused him to lose everything. So many people tried to help him, yet no one could help. So they gave up on him.
Many of us have been in this position—finding ourselves in the same position for a long time. But we can believe that God can heal and that we're never too far gone.
It was Good News for the man but bad news for the demons. The spiritual forces are begging with Jesus because they know who He is. (Romans 8:31) The Gospel isn't us doing more; it's accepting that Jesus did more for us than we could ever do for ourselves.
3. Jesus doesn't just want to help you. He wants to transform you. (Luke 8:32-35)
If we aren't careful, we can be more like the townspeople than the unclean man. We ask for God's help, receive it, and then walk away. We shouldn't just go to Him in times of need—we must seek complete transformation. He has the power to change physical appearance, but He also has the power to give us the right mind (Romans 8:6).
You could look fine on the outside but be sitting in utter turmoil on the inside. Jesus has the power to change that.
The townspeople were so fearful that they begged Jesus to leave. They were so close, yet they did not embrace Jesus. Instead, they rejected His presence and power because they feared the cost. Being around the things of God isn’t enough…we must take up residence.
4. Jesus has a glorious vision for your life (Luke 8:38-39).
Jesus' vision for our lives is better than the world's vision (Romans 8:6-7).
He saved us, and now He's sending you. If you have accepted Jesus as your savior, you are qualified.
Go back home to the people who know who you were and where you've been and let them see what God has done for you. That's the assignment.
We want to gather, scatter, and be prayerful.
Some of us may get on boats and move places, and others, will be called to go back home with a message. Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel. The key that unlocks most doors for the Gospel is the power of a transformed life.
The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name. Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.
Acts 5:41-42
Discussion Questions
- What fear is causing you to be slow to embrace the Good News of Jesus?
- What comforts are you clinging to that are keeping you from sharing the Gospel?
- How can you relate to the story of the man in Luke 8:27-31?
- Do you believe that God can heal? Or do you think you're too far gone?
- Have you ever been like the townspeople—only asking God for help when you need it? How can you make Jesus more of a priority in your life?
- Have you just been around the things of God and are familiar with the language? Journal your thoughts and reflect.
- What did Brad Jones say makes you qualified to tell others about Jesus?
- Who in your life has noticed the transformation in your life since you've accepted Christ? What did they notice?
- How have you seen God radically transform the life of someone else around you?
- Take some time this week to pray about where God wants to send you to tell others about Him and journal