Louie Giglio preaches about God-inspired dreams and visions and the “thief” that comes to steal our dreams. In sharing about the life of Joseph, Louie Giglio points out that it is often through delay, betrayal, false accusation, being overlooked, jealousy, humiliation, exasperation, revenge, success, pain, separation, and comparison that the thief can successfully crush the dream God has for our life. However, it is faithfulness that kills the thief of dreams.
Key Takeaway
God wants us to be healthy and whole, leaving a legacy for the generations to come.
1. The dream might be clear in the moment, but most often its fulfillment is in the distance.
2. Most dreams are not so dreamy.
3. It’s never too late to dream again.
4. God’s dream involves you, but it’s not about you.
Discussion Questions
- What about the story of Joseph suggests that it is never too late to “dream again”?
- What about Joseph’s dream seemed “dreamy”? What about the reality was not dreamy?
- The dream might be clear in the moment, but most often its fulfillment is in the distance.
- How was Joseph’s dream involving him but not about him?
- Did Louie Giglio's talk open your eyes to any details you had previously not seen in the story of Joseph? What are those realizations?
- Which element on the list of weapons that the thief uses caught your attention (Delay, Betrayal, etc.)? Which are being used on you today?
- If faithfulness is what kills the thief of dreams, how do you gain faithfulness?
- Do you have a dream for your life – something that seems like a God-inspired, God-glorifying state of existence for your life? In other words, is there something you have always sought to do – or be enabled to do - for the glory of God?
- What is standing in the way of the dream you have for your life? If you are already living in the dream God has for your life, what were the unexpected things that preceded it?
- if you feel stuck and you are unsure as to what God might be dreaming and envisioning for your life, allow the group to encourage you with what they see as a possibility for your life. Practically speaking, this looks like telling the people in the group where you see them being most impactful and God-glorifying with their story, gifts, and circumstances.
Scripture References