Ben Stuart digs into 1 John 2 and continues guiding us along in John’s letter; focusing on the positive evidence of abiding with Jesus and what it looks like practically to live in Him.
Key Takeaway
Evidence of a life in Christ is a life that's been changed; He changes your mind and your heart and that will lead to changed behavior over time.
We want assurance that we have the evidence that we have the real thing. That’s where we are in 1 John. So far we’ve learned that we have communion and fellowship with God and we want others to have it as well. But how do we know that we are in Christ?
John tells us in 1 John 2:3 that “by this we know that we have come to know Him.” The first “know” is in the present tense, which means it’s continual and active. So, at this very moment, we can presently, continually, and actively know that we have come to know Him. The second “know” is in the perfect tense, which means a completed activity in the past has implications through today. In essence, there is something we can observe now that gives us the assurance that we can presently, actively know that in the past we have come to know Him.
What is the evidence that gives us assurance? The same verse gives the answer… “if we keep His commandments.” How do you know you’re really His? You do what Jesus says. You know He’s changed your life because your life begins to change. John gives the flip side in the next verse. If you say you know God and you don’t do what He says; you’re a liar. An encounter with God affects you. That’s the guiding principle. Intimacy with the Almighty has an impact. He works on you from the inside out and you will see the effects.
John continues by saying when we keep God’s Word, His love is perfected (completed). He means that when we’ve come to know God, the love of God has reached its intended goal. His point is that the love of God has come through Jesus. When we believe that, His perfect love casts out fear of the future. Therefore, we love because He first loved us. His love gives us confidence that we have a future with Him and an overflowing love in the present for others. A change of mind and a change of heart will lead to a change of behavior.
How do you know “that you have come to know?” Because you obey Jesus now.
How do you know that “His love is perfected?” Because you keep His Word now.
You look like Him. If you say you’re a child of Heaven, but you live like Hell, there’s a problem.
So, do Christians never sin? No. Read 1 John 2:1-2 again. Part of walking in the light is confessing sin and Jesus cleansing you from that sin. We are in progress over time, not perfect from the moment of salvation. Let God remove the junk from your life. Be very careful judging if someone is in or out based on a brief interaction. In a single moment, two men ran the night that Jesus was betrayed. They both abandoned Him. It would appear that neither of them were true believers. However, Scripture records that Satan was in Judas. Even though he had journeyed with Jesus and the disciples for years, he was never really one of them. You can’t lose your salvation. But you can be around and not in. When Peter betrayed Jesus, he wept because his heart and his affection toward God had been wounded by his own actions. The next thing he did was to answer Jesus when He called him back to ministry. Jesus always continues to work on His wayward, struggling children.
John goes on to say that if you abide with Jesus, you walk in the way He walked. It isn’t oppressive to walk with the one you love. You willingly and gladly walk with them.
How is this possible? John is saying that this isn’t a new or novel commandment. From the first time they heard the gospel, they knew that faith alone saves, but the faith that saves is never alone. It works itself out in your work. What is new is that we live in a new age. The True Light is here, Jesus has come and therefore, the darkness is passing. We have the ability to live a new life because it’s a new day.
What does this look like practically? Jesus wants you to love. The commandment is to love God and love each other. It’s hard to say, “God, I love you, but I hate your kids.” They are made in His image. Love embraced becomes love extended. True spirituality is never private, it always works itself out in community.
Love in word. Love in truth. Love in deed.
Discussion Questions
- What is the importance of the present tense and the perfect tense of the word "know" in 1 John 2:3?
- What evidence do you have that proves the assurance that you are in Christ?
- According to 1 John 2, what makes you a liar?
- John said that the love of Jesus is perfected in us. If perfected means complete, how do we participate in the intended goal being reached? See 1 John 2:5.
- God can change your heart and your mind. When you allow God to pull the junk out of your life, what are the results?
- How do you know that you have come to know Him? How do you know that His love is perfected in you?
- Why do you need to be careful about judging whether someone is in Christ or now? What is a key factor to transformation? Think about the examples of Judas and Peter on the night Jesus was betrayed.
- What is the commandment in 1 John 2:6? Is that offensive?
- What did John mean when he said that the darkness is passing and true light is already shining?
- How can you practically love God and love others this week? What is your motivation?
Scripture References