In this talk, Louie Giglio challenges us to reflect on who we are in light of the book of Revelation and the truths of God’s Word. Drawing from these insights, he inspires us to let Scripture be a lamp to our path, guiding us toward godly growth.
Key Takeaway
Jesus reigns, and our purpose on earth is to worship Him, so we must, in turn, become confident and godly Jesus followers who are faithful to the end.
The message of Revelation is Hallelujah, Jesus Reigns, and in these final two chapters, we can summarize the text to: Worship God.
With all of our knowledge now through studying Revelation and honing in on these two main themes, the question is, "What manner of people should we be?"
This text has the power to transform us, and this truth should enlighten how we spend our last days on earth.
After reading 2 Peter 3:11-13, we learn that we ought to be:
1. Confident
There are many reasons not to be confident. Yet, having seen the Revelation unfolded to us by heaven through the apostle John, we ought to be the most confident people on the planet.
Everything could fall apart around us, but our guide is Reigning Jesus.
He is coming to call the shots, be fully revealed, unquestioned, in a high position, on a white horse, glorious and majestic.
We all know how it ends because God was gracious in showing us.
Because of this, our confidence should increase, informing how we communicate about everything.
The plan is that Jesus reigns. The details may not be obvious, but we can be confident that Jesus is the end.
The Orthodox Pillars of Revelation
- Jesus will bodily return to earth as a conquering King.
- Jesus will cast out Satan forever.
- Jesus will right all wrongs and is making all things new.
- God will judge the living and the dead.
- Believers/saints will live with God forever in the new heaven and new earth.
- The unrighteousness will be eternally separated from God in everlasting suffering.
God is Sovereign over everything, bringing everything to its appointed conclusion at His appointed time and leading us every step of the way.
2. Heavenly
We should be different, distinct, not-worldly, peculiar.
Instead of thinking, "now then there," God wants us to think, "now and there."
Your future begins now.
Instead of "here then there," we can reframe the thinking again to "here and there."
You're already in the resurrection and the victory story. (Philippians 3:17-21)
We're already citizens of heaven, and the world needs people to show the world what the Holy City looks like.
Ephesians 2:4-7 shows that we ought to start taking authority over our lives, minds, thoughts, bodies, families, neighborhoods, communities, and nations. We ought to be carriers of the position of where we sit in Christ. We live so far lower than our standing in Christ.
God wants to ensure you have your life over the Revelation story so you can live with that reality in mind.
3. Discerning
Discerning—alert, awake, perceptive, wise.
We should pray consistently for discernment—the ability to look at the counterfeit and identify the authentic. To look through the haze and see what is real. The counterfeit is getting bolder and brighter, and we want to be people who can see behind the curtain.
We have become way too familiar with taking whatever is offered to us. How are we going to know what is real? By being connected with Jesus and being saturated in His Word.
In Philippians 1:9-11, Paul prays for insight to discern what is best. Not what is biggest and the most bold, but what is pure and blameless. You cannot go wrong by praying and asking God for the gift of discernment to be strengthened.
We see the counterfeit trying to look as close to the real thing. Lucifer was a massively bright angel before he fell out of heaven, but he ultimately refused to glorify God. When we read 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, we read about people masquerading as apostles of Christ. More than ever, we need discernment in our pockets at the end of the age.
God is perpetually showing the way of the light; we must look.
4. Generous
We are traveling with gold in our pockets (the Word of God), and because of what we have read, we want to be generous. We want to be especially generous with the Good News of mercy, grace, and God's coming judgment.
We have keys in our pockets with one name that we are meant to give to others.
If the enemy can make us stingy with the Good News that sets us free from God's wrath, he wins.
We have Revelation in our pocket, and we want to be generous with sharing it.
Discussion Questions
- Would you consider yourself to be a confident person? After reading about what a confident person looks like in Christ, does that alter how you understand the meaning of confidence?
- What things around you are keeping you from being confident? What does Scripture say about God's victory over your circumstances?
- How have you experienced confidence impacting the way you communicate personally?
- After reading the Orthodox Pillars of Revelation above, are there any that you still struggle with?
- What does it practically look like to live differently?
- Are you thinking about heaven as "now then there" or "now and there"? How can you shift your thinking to include eternity in the now?
- Would you consider yourself to have good discernment? How is discernment different from judgment?
- How have you experienced the counterfeit around you?
- Are you generous with sharing the Word of God? How?
- Do we believe in the Revelation of Jesus? If yes, what should be different in your life starting today?
Scripture References