Through studying Matthew 9 and 10, Brett Younker continues in our collection Orbit to share the importance of prayer and intercession. When we pray for others, we have the opportunity to intercede on their behalf and ask God to use His resources to transform lives for our good and His glory.
Key Takeaway
Revival prayer starts by seeing the needs of others, calling on heaven on behalf of others, aligning our hearts with Jesus, and sending us out to do His work.
We need true revival.
As we look at the spiritual problems surrounding us, we must be just as attuned to the solution as we are to the problem, and that solution is Jesus. We cannot do it alone, and we must call on Him to help us.
Matthew 9:35-38
Here are three ways prayer has the potential to change the world around you:
1. Revival prayer starts by seeing the needs of others.
People are hurting—there is oppression, exhaustion, lack of direction, addiction, substance abuse, greed, meanness, selfishness, pride, and sin.
There is an insatiable desire to be satisfied by something to quiet the rage and emptiness in our lives.
Jesus' response is to let the need produce compassion in your heart. His response is emotional. God wants more for their lives.
Leonard Ravenhill, “For this sin-hungry age, we need a prayer-hungry Church.”
The problems around us are so great we need to call on a higher power.
2. Revival prayer calls on heaven on behalf of others.
The Harvest is all the opportunity and potential for God to move in the lives of others.
Ask the Lord, and pray to Him on behalf of others….not just yourself. Intercessory Prayer is asking God to move on behalf of someone else. It's to go-between, intervene, mediate. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Tyler Stanton says when we pray for someone else, “We are loving others on the basis of heaven’s resources.”
We have access to the resources of heaven, and our prayers should reflect that. John 14:14 Jesus says,” You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” We ask, and we pray in the Name of Jesus.
If you believe in Jesus, you are a child of the King. You have access to the throne of God. Prayer is leveraging your relationship with God on behalf of someone else who really needs God.
Jesus says, "Do you see the needs? Ask me to meet them. I’m the Lord of the Harvest." The fields are full. People are ready. People are hungry for hope. Ask Jesus for help.
3. Revival prayer aligns our hearts with Jesus and sends us out to do His work. (Matthew 10:1-8)
You might be the answer to your prayer. Through prayer and being with Jesus, we receive authority to do His work.
Understand the assignment. When we pray, we get on the same page as Jesus and receive authority to do His work on the earth.
God uses regular people to do extraordinary things in this world.
We have a message that brings the dead to life. We can share the Good News of the Gospel: apart from God, when we're lost and like sheep without a shepherd, we are dead in sin, but because of God's grace, we can be saved.
We have a Spiritual problem, but now we have a Savior in Jesus. The gift of salvation was given freely to us, so we want to extend this free gift to others in our orbit.
Every move of God is preceded by prayer. It all starts with prayer. The heart changes in prayer. Faith is built in prayer. Heaven moves in prayer. Courage comes in prayer. Authority is given in prayer.
How do we pray?
1. Pray that God would open the eyes of their heart (Ephesians 1:18).
2. Pray that God would give us boldness to share (Ephesians 6:19).
Discussion Questions
- When you see the brokenness of sin in the world, are you bothered by it, or are you burdened by it?
- Are you sympathetic to people who are lost and seeking God? What’s your response? Post or Pray? Complain or Compassion?
- Do you pray for others often? What does intercession look like in your life?
- Have you been taking advantage of the access you have to the resources of heaven? How are your prayers reflective of that?
- How have you seen God use you to answer your own prayer?
- How has God used you to do something extraordinary?
- Who in your life are you looking to extend the free gift of salvation to?
- How have you seen prayer change and transform a situation?
Scripture References