July 23, 2023
Chad Veach joins us for THE FIVE with a message on pride versus humility, reminding us that humble people serve, care, and love and that the more time you spend in the Word and with Jesus, the more humility will be evident in your life.
Key Takeaway
It requires great humility for God's kingdom to run through your life.
Humble people...
- Serve. If you're too big to serve, you're too small to lead. You can't bring culture into the Kingdom. You bring Kingdom into the culture. Faithfulness is not an attendance issue. It's a heart issue.
- Care. Be cursed with caring. Care about issues and care about broken people. Humility is confidence to carry the kingdom of God. Jesus is full of compassion.
- Love. We need less Christians with opinions and more believers with love.
"You can't impress God with anything other than your faith."
Chad Veach
Discussion Questions
- What does pride keep you from doing? Repenting, apologizing, showing compassion, etc?
- Do you try to earn favor with God through your works? How did it make you feel when Chad mentioned that God is only ever impressed by your faithfulness?
- "Pride is the only disease that makes everybody else sick besides the person that has it." How did this quote land with you? Have you experienced that as a prideful person yourself? Have you seen it in others?
- What are some areas of your life that you have noticed yourself acting out of pride more than humility?
- How are you serving others in this season?
- What are some ways you can serve others in your community?
- Do you find yourself trying not to care as much in order to preserve yourself? How can you lean in and care about the people around you more?
- How can you love the people around you better?
Scripture References

Chad Veach
Pastor and founder of Zoe Church.