Dan and Jo Watson converse with Andrew Scott about identity, purpose, and sharing the Gospel. If we operate out of our purpose—to make more of Jesus—and live lives that show the fruit of the Spirit, we can point those around us to God’s glory and live on mission for what matters most.
Key Takeaway
Our lifestyle should show and demonstrate that we have truly received the love of Jesus, and it has changed and transformed our lives so that wherever we go, people notice something different about us.
Read Acts 1:8 and Matthew 28:19
You will be His representative. He commissions us to go and make disciples, and that is the purpose of our lives—to be witnesses.
When we read Genesis 1:27-28, we see that the idea of humanity is to be made in God's image. This wasn't a new phrase for earlier readers because the name image-bearer was used for the Pharoah and their families. Pharaohs were the image-bearers. But this text says that we are image-bearers. Being an image-bearer gives you identity and purpose.
Many of us are trying to find our purpose, but purpose was in the heart of the Creator, and creation was set to fulfill that purpose. Nothing that was ever created got to determine its own purpose.
Your purpose and identity have already been set.
Read Colossians 3:17.
When we look at what everyone else is doing and compare ourselves to them, we get distracted from what God has given us.
People notice when kids look like their parents, and in the same way, we should reflect God and look like our Father.
To share your testimony, you need only listen to people, care about them, and then share your story. Sharing the Gospel is a lifestyle. To be a witness is to live as a witness.
Sharing the Gospel is exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23)
People seeing God in our life typically doesn't happen in one moment, but in many moments, when people get to see how you react or respond in crisis or good times. We want people to experience peace, joy, and abundance in their situations now. When they see it, they start asking questions about where they are.
Read John 13:35.
Love is shown over time. When we spend a lot of time with people, we demonstrate the gifts of the Spirit and love for some time which can become the testaments. It's our lifestyle—it's not a momentary thing.
There is an urgency for people to know Jesus, but where is our urgency driven from? Eternity can be a factor, but we should be aware of Jesus's impact on our lives here and now. When Jesus visited villages, He called people into a way of life that demanded a response here and now. He was calling them into a kingdom of love, joy, and peace.
Come and see and be a part of what God is doing.
Read Colossians 3:12, 1 Corinthians 13:13, and John 3:16.
Love gives us eternity with Him, and it's available to us. Our urgency should be pushing others to experience the love of Christ. It gives us opportunities to articulate and witness the Gospel.
Discussion Questions
- Have you found yourself asking God or others your purpose? How does knowing that your purpose is to make more of Jesus change things for you?
- Do you have a tendency to compare yourselves to others? What has been the result of comparison for you personally?
- If someone were to meet you and spend time around you, would they say that they see Jesus in and through you? Why or why not?
- Who are the people in your life that reflect Jesus most? In what ways do they show you Christ?
- Do you live with a sense of urgency, earnestly desiring for others to experience the love of Christ as you have? How does that impact the way you live?
- Do you feel confident in articulating the Gospel and sharing your story with others? Why or why not?
Scripture References