June 4, 2023
Earl McClellan encourages listeners around the story of Paul and Silas’ missionary journey to Philippi and speaks to all kinds of important truths, from the dynamic nature of God’s will and the importance of the ‘marketplace’ in ministry to the authority given to us and the opportunity to witness in the midst of suffering.
Key Takeaway
Trust God's will for your life, even if it's difficult or painful. You can be in the dead-center of His will and still face hardship because He can bring good from any circumstance.
Discussion Questions
- What’s a barrier or wall that showed up in your life that you later realized wasn’t “bad” and from the Enemy but actually from God?
- What is the significance of this ancient understanding; that ‘days’ actually began at night?
- What field or industry in your city can you think of that might be a part of God’s strategy to impact the world?
- How do you discern if someone is saying the right things with the wrong intent? To what extent is it your responsibility to evaluate someone’s motive?
- Why might God’s vision or dream for your life involve suffering? How can He still be loving if He allows pain? Try to answer in your own words.
- Can you think of any other people like Paul and Silas from Scripture - people who have as many battle scars in their stories as they have victories?
- What can we learn from Paul and Silas about how we should react in moments of suffering?
- What is significant about the fact that the other prisoners were “listening” to Paul and Silas?
- With all the craziness at Philippi, who was it that ended up receiving salvation? What made this possible?
- Of all the things Pastor Earl touched on, what reminder do you want to ensure sticks with you?
Scripture References

Earl McClellan
Earl McClellan is the founder and lead pastor of Shoreline City Church, based in the Dallas area with campuses in Texas and in Guatemala. Get your Spirit Back: Break Free of Negative Self-Talk and Step Fully Into Your Calling is his first book. He is regular speaker at influential events both in the States and overseas. Earl and Oneka have three children and live in Dallas. For more information, visit him @earlmcclellan.