June 25, 2023
Dan Watson brings an encouraging message about calling on the Lord for help when the enemy has strongholds in our lives.
Key Takeaway
God has given us the divine power to demolish the Enemy's strongholds in our lives - with His help - we can walk in freedom.
"We have the power to reject or accept every thought that comes into our minds."
Dan Watson
Discussion Questions
- Dan shares about the “crisps” that are close by in moments when he knows he should be working out. Do you have a funny “fitness story” like his – a humorous craving that lies close by, competing for your interests?
- Romans 7 is a tricky and somewhat clunky passage to read in English. How would you describe the gist of the passage in your own words?
- If your mind is the location of a “stronghold, " what does that say about how we should demolish them and fortify the ones we want to keep?
- What is ‘Baby Elephant Syndrome,’ and how does that apply to our war against our flesh?
- Dan shares about his trainer convicting him, asking, “Why does your life not look like you know?” Answer the same question: what makes it so difficult to apply what we “already know”?
- How do you “take a thought captive”? How do you turn a hostile thought into an ally (2 Cor 10:5)?
- What is the relationship between knowing the Word of God well and demolishing strongholds in our lives?
- Do you know Scripture for the strongholds of life? As a group, take a moment to compile a mental list. What is a passage of Scripture that addresses insecurity, jealousy, hatred, anger, pride, and similar strongholds?
- What is a “Same-God” story from Scripture that encourages you today? In other words, which character from Scripture experienced the victory, deliverance, or breakthrough you long to experience?
Scripture References

Dan Watson
Pastor of Passion City Church Trilith