
Great Gospel, Loud Worship

Brett Younker
Brett Younker
September 26, 2021

Brett Younker continues in our collection Kings & Kingdoms, Brett walks us through David’s words in Psalm 30 and shows us how the gospel leads us into a life of worship.

Key Takeaway

Worship is our lifeline in a world where all the systems are falling apart. Psalm 30 explains how God truly cares about us in every way and worship is a natural response to His love.

1) God loves to rescue and deliver those who need help.

It's part of his nature. Throughout Scripture, God is constantly rescuing and delivering His people. God ordained Joseph to help deliver his family during a famine. Moses was chosen to help deliver God's people from slavery and oppression in Egypt to flourish in the Promised Land.

Jesus came to save all of us through His sacrifice on the cross so that we may live with Him forever in eternity in Heaven, not in Hell where we would be justly punished for our sins. God is constantly moving towards His people on their behalf.

2) God responds to our cries for help.

God actually cares. The God who created the universe is inclined towards His children and He hears our cries.

In order to respond to us and save us from the pit, He got into the pit with us. God is not afraid of what is in our pits and will still move towards us, not away from us. Because He came down to us, we never have to be alone.

Instead, we walk in freedom, redemption, and healing with Him.

3) When our gospel is great, our songs get loud.

We cannot manufacture a "worship culture", the motives would not be focused on God Himself, the subject of our worship. However, where the gospel is alive and people are going from death to life, the culture will automatically shift to one of worship.

We cannot help but express our gratitude and adoration when we respond to all that God has done for us and others.

"What drives you, motivates you, what you spend your time, energy, talents and money on, where you go to find satisfaction, that's what you worship."
Brett Younker

Discussion Questions

  1. Brett Younker shared how his kids were amazed at every aspect of flying and it caused him to look at the whole experience with new eyes. His goal with this message was to have us see Jesus with a whole new set of eyes. Have you become so familiar with the worship gathering that you are just going through the motions and have lost sight of Who you are worshiping?
  2. What do you worship? Where do you spend your time, money, and thoughts, and put your efforts towards? Are there any idols that need to be removed from your life?
  3. Joseph, Moses, and David were all given as examples of God working constantly in the lives of His people. As they worshiped, there were times when there was worship happening on a national level and times were it was very personal. Do you tend to gravitate more towards one than the other? Do you have opportunities to worship on a cooperate level outside of church? Do you spend any time worshiping God on your own?
  4. Brett Younker described part of God's nature as to rescue and deliver. Are there areas in your life that you know you need rescuing? Places that you have not turned over fully to Jesus to heal?
  5. Louie Giglio was quoted as saying, "When you're at a church where the gospel is alive and people are moving from death to life, you automatically with have a worship culture." What is worship like in your church?
  6. Loud worship does not just mean songs being sung at a church on a Sunday. Lives that have been radically changed by the gospel is worship, someone taking a step of faith is worship, hoping in Jesus in the absolute worst of circumstances is worship. Have you ever met someone whose life radiated the worship of Jesus through how they lived?
  7. In what ways can you be more aware of living a life of constant worship? What practical changes can be implemented to keep your focus on Jesus? For example, reading Scripture first thing in the morning instead of social media or the news, start listening to a worship song as part of your daily quiet time, etc.

Scripture References

Psalm 30

A psalm. A song. For the dedication of the temple. Of David.

1I will exalt you,


for you lifted me out of the depths

and did not let my enemies gloat over me.


my God, I called to you for help,

and you healed me.


, brought me up from the realm of the dead;

you spared me from going down to the pit.

4Sing the praises of the

, you his faithful people;

praise his holy name.

5For his anger lasts only a moment,

but his favor lasts a lifetime;

weeping may stay for the night,

but rejoicing comes in the morning.

6When I felt secure, I said,

“I will never be shaken.”


, when you favored me,

you made my royal mountain stand firm;

but when you hid your face,

I was dismayed.

8To you,

, I called;

to the Lord I cried for mercy:

9“What is gained if I am silenced,

if I go down to the pit?

Will the dust praise you?

Will it proclaim your faithfulness?


, and be merciful to me;

, be my help.”

11You turned my wailing into dancing;

you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,

12that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent.

my God, I will praise you forever.

6Who, being in very nature God,

did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;

7rather, he made himself nothing

by taking the very nature of a servant,

being made in human likeness.

7But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.
said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.
8So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites.
9And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them.
10So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.”
19We love because he first loved us.
1I waited patiently for the

he turned to me and heard my cry.

Brett Younker
Brett Younker
Brett Younker is a pastor, worship leader, and songwriter at Passion City Church in Atlanta, Georgia. His heart is to help people see and know Jesus in a real way through preaching, teaching, music, or just hanging out. Over the last decade, Brett has helped carry the heart of Passion Music and the Passion Movement to the world, calling a generation to live for the glory of God. Brett has helped write many songs the Church is singing, including “Build My Life,” Fall Like Rain,” Christ Our King,” God, You’re So Good,” “Holy Ground,” “Worthy of Your Name,” and many others. He also hosts a podcast called Jesus Songs that explores the stories of some of the songs we sing each week in church. Brett and his wife, Aynsley, have three kids and a dog named Sgt Pepper.